douchebag from yonkers. - i could care less, basically. - yeah? maybe you're a flambe. fucking nauseating. it was up to me, i'd drag vito behind my fucking car right now. will you take it easy over there, fucking judge roy bean? one of my bar girls knows his goomar. we'll check with her. maybe she's seen him and knows where he is. loren. think about it, though, ton'-- sudden weight loss. - aids? - nobody's got aids. i don't wanna hear that word in here again! the federal prosecutor's office won't tell you why your son's being held? or where. it has been four days now since he's been arrested, and we have no money to hire a lawyer. - how did you hear about the law center? - you will write the... habeas corpus? i'm not an attorney yet. i'm a volunteer assistant. one of our attorneys will file the writ. - he is a good boy. - the fbi went to his school and took him like a criminal. this is america? it's not easy to be muslim now. they wouldn't let afaf skate at the local rink - unless she removed her head scarf. - you're kidding me, why? they said it was for insurance. it might fall off and someone could trip. if she had been wearing a yarmulke, it would have been a different story. you can bet. they're these poor, hardworking people. - finn, you're not eating? - coffee's good. the government is just completely fucking this family over. when did it stt she could use that kind of language in this house with immunity? i'm telling mom about these people that came in yesterday. let me guess, was it a crack whore trying to get her kids back for the welfare money? actually, it was a family from afghanistan who fled the taliban and sweated out visa lotteries - in a refugee camp, and hold down three jobs. you think it's funny? the fbi snatched their son off the street like we're some third world dictatorship. - pretty scary. - there must have been some reason, meadow. - like he's a terrorist, maybe. - 9-11, 9-11. bush is using it as an excuse to erode our constitutional protections, - and you're falling for it. - well, i voted for him. right, well, you don't relate to black people clinging to logs. you oughta chill out about some of this. hey. let me ask you something, those two arabs, with the credit cards, fazool and whatever his name is-- - yeah? - you think there's a chance they could be... i don't know, al-qaedas, something like that? hmm. you know at one point it did cross my mind. yeah, and? i don't think so. they're gun nuts but the smaller guy ahmed, when those danish cartoons got published, he was very upset, but at the protestors. he said he hated the cartoons but that the rioting shit would just bring bad attention to all muslims. and the other guy mohammed, his brother's a government interrogator in lebanon or syria. plus mohammed and his girlfriend have a dog, a springer spaniel. i'm gonna get a coffee. vito, what the fuck you doing? - tony's looking for you. - for me? he's been calling for fucking days. my goddamn phone, jesus. everything all right? you tell us. i'm good. tell tony i'll call him. it's better you come in. sure. you go ahead, and i'll follow you. - what? - ho! - where the fuck... - what are you doing?! motherfucker! fucking finook. lying piece of shit. better not come around here no more. hey. you speak ital, right? some friends coming over from naples, ying a visit to a guy from new york. - who? - the little guy in ozone park. that's pretty high up. you should provide 'em a couple of dumb gats, guidance on where to find him. how do i get ahold of them? just leave your phone on. part two when it's done. i hear fat vito's been riding up the hershey highway. - where'd you get that? - come on. somebody started a joke. i won't mention any names. - there's no truth to it. - oh. it'
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