Eli! Jerry fucking told you to stay outta Brooklyn! What are you guys doin'? You're gonna kill this guy. Fuck you, Grandpa! I tell you, one of the best things about dropping the weight, a whole new wardrobe. I keep this up, I'm gonna need Clothing Anonymous. You should have called your sponsor before you bought that jacket. Look at this guy. "Members Only"? How long have you been wearing that? Cugino mio! You look sharp. How do you feel? Two miles I walk every mornin'. You goin' to little Tommy's communion? I gotta talk to Aunt Lenore. Say hello to Marie for me. Hold on, let me get that number, - the custom cufflinks. - Oh yeah. What'd that prick want? Really something, isn't he, with that jerk-off face? The eyebrows... I fucking can't stand him. I gotta tell you though, he surprised me. He's acting boss, takes care of John's business, plus the wife while John's in jail. No complaints. He's real old school. Gotta take my hat off. Cocksucker wanted me killed? What's past is past. Leave it alone. Things are going good now. You and Phil settle that office park shit? We said we'd revisit it. Agent Harris, where've you been? I got some new federale in my rear view for six months. - Actually, I've been in Pakistan. - Get the fuck out. Seriously. I was transferred to terrorism. This is my partner, Ron Goddard. Tony Soprano. The terrorist squad, huh? - What, did you lose a little weight? - Uh... You look good. Atkins, right? I caught a parasite over there. Doctors don't know what it is. - What do they eat, tabbouleh? - Actually, that's why I'm here. I've been dying for a Satriale's veal parm hero. Fuck him. I hope that parasite eats his asshole out. I kinda feel bad for the guy. Shit, when did this happen? Hold on. Ton' just come in. It's Hesh. Yeah. Here, honey. It's ice. Tony. Thank you. Hey. Beth, how're you doin'? I've had better weeks. Could you get me some coffee, sweetie? - Anyone else? - Hot water with lemon would be great. My son-in-law and me, we're having dinner Sunday, Chinese restaurant near Mill Basin, we get jumped by three guys in a Lexus. - Chinks did this? - Are you trying to be fucking funny? - You want a smack in the mouth? - What? I was serious. They're with your cousin Phil Leotardo. I told you he was a prick! - We were just with him. - Let him talk. I got some money on the street over there. Apparently, it got back to Phil's guy - Gerry Torciano. - The Hairdo? He claims that he felt that Eli here was some independent shy trying to poach his customers. - Is that a fucking catheter? - Massive internal bleeding, half his fucking skin is sheared off his hips. My daughter's besides herself. You send somebody to Brooklyn, and you talk to Phil - about this mook, this... - Gerry Torciano. Sorry I yelled at you, kid. I'm installing gable joists in the rotunda. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to agree with the original assessment. Oh, for the love of Mike! This is pine, sir... utility grade. I know what it is. I've been building houses for years. Then you know that the code calls for Doug fir grade, stamped for all floor joists, ceiling joists, lintels and rafters. Get Pudgie Walsh on the horn. He'll straighten this out. Pudgie Walsh retired, sir. - I'm affirming the stop-work order. - Oh, come on! - Is there nothing else we can do? - For God's sake! You can schedule a further appeal. But if I were you, I'd think about starting over with the proper lumber. God, 15 times I asked you! Do you know what this does to my cost basis, - to start over with this? - It's bureaucratic bullshit! - In my day, they'd turn a blind eye. - I hired you to do a job! Hired? I'm not for hire. You presented this like we were partners. - You don't listen to anybody, do you? - Oh! To hell with this. No good deed goes unpunished. Artie. Ho. Menus. - Is that Phil? - My wife.
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