it, How was i supposed to know? I made it perfectly clear: Give up part of your profits. Thanks to you, A man is beaten Half to death... While his little boy Was watching. and it's all over the media! It's not fair. The business belongs To my family. "fair"? You fuckin' believe This shit? You remind me of my kid. Talk to the katrina victims About fair. Talk to paulie here. He'll tell you about fair! - absolutely. - you're worse than my son! - get him the fuck outta here! How was i supposed to know? My family kept me In the dark. What kind of pathetic Fuckin' excuse is that?! Don't you communicate? You make me sick, You fucking baby. Shoot me one time, One time only, You heard? Fleshy part Of the thigh, Like you said. There's only 7,000 here. I said eight. Hey hey hey, i get my Little brother to do it For less, believe that. Trust me, you gotta go Outside the family for Something like this. You don't want People knowing. That way you can blame it On dr. Droop or whoever. 7,000's all i got. I don't wanna know When it's coming. You decide. Get this... It says here that If the history Of the planet Was represented By the empire state Building, The time That human beings Have been on earth Would only be A postage stamp At the very top. You realize How insignificant That makes us? I don't feel that way. There he is. - hi, chris. - hesh, how are you? Great to see you Looking so robust. - hey. - how you doing? - beth wanted to come. - yeah, sure. - hi, tony. - hey. So how's eli? I hear that With the physical therapy, They got him using a walker. He's doing better. Thank you. Hey, tony. Okay to visit? Yeah yeah, sure. My nephew christopher; Pastor bob. Hesh rabkin, His daughter beth. - how you feeling? - physically, a little better than i was. So maybe you're right. That prayer business works. I brought you something. - "born again." - charles colson. The watergate guy. Friend of mine Did time with him. A ruthless, powerful man Who thought he was Above the law. He committed crimes And then went to prison. And then he found jesus, And everything changed. Became a different man. Yeah, so? Salvation Isn't just about Being saved from hell After you die. it's also about being saved from yourself while you're still alive. I hope when you get Out of the hospital That you'll join us At the church of the open Door of the redeemer. Well it must be nice To have something To hold onto. Maybe. Dinosaurs. My kids can't get enough. Yeah yeah, me too. Every since i saw King kong kick their ass In the original. My son loves Dinosaurs too. - that's interesting. - what? Some people would Have you believe Dinosaurs existed Millions of years ago. It's just not true. God created the earth 6,000 years ago. And i tell my kids, You have to remember, Dinosaurs and human beings Lived on the earth At the same time. What, like "the flintstones"? It's in the bible. Yeah but what About all that Carbon-dating stuff? A lot of scientists Would disagree with you. Well i think you'll find All those people have An agenda, tony-- Evolution, which is Satan's plan to deny god. Evolution and salvation Are mutually exclusive. Guy next door's a scientist. Think he'd disagree With you big time. Then that man's Not saved. Read about mr. Colson. We'll talk later. What's he saying? There were dinosaurs Back with adam and eve? - i guess. - no way. t rex in the garden of eden? Adam and eve would be running All the time, scared shitless. But the bible says It was paradise. you can disagree with evangelicals, But they're great friends Of the jews Because israel Is the holy land. You wait. Hey, how ya doing? - hi. - i'm gonna go to the bathroom. Your color's better. So mr. Wizard, You were talking About tornados. You know what The indians say About the
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