minute I met Tony, I knew who that guy was. On my second date, he brought me and my mother each a dozen roses and my father a $200 power drill. Not the typical story of young love. And I don't know if I loved him in spite of it... or because of it. My parents weren't like that. And I knew, whether consciously or not, I knew that behind that power drill, there was probably some guy with a broken arm, you know, or worse. And you coped with that, how? I'd go to my priest, and I would cry, and say how bad I felt about how my husband made his money, but that was bullshit. Because there are far bigger crooks than my husband. But the kids... they don't decide who they're born to. So now what? Yeah, that's just it. Now what? It's all out in the open now, the whole thing. And them, they're not in grade school anymore. They become... the longer they stay with us... Complicit. Oh, God. Putting aside the moral and legal issues, clarity can't be a bad thing. Yes. Tony's second night in the coma, I told him I loved him. When was the last time I said that? Are you afraid you aren't going to feel that way when he wakes up? Anthony tells me things have been... better between you. Come here, honey. It's okay, honey. You're gonna be okay. I can't breathe. - It's all right. - Come here, honey. Can't breathe. Can't breathe. It's okay, honey. You're gonna be okay. - What's going on? - Would you move your car, please, sir? Sil, I didn't hear from you. Sil's on the canvas now. Fucking 100% disaster. Point is, Tony goes, let's face it, somebody's gonna have to step into the breach. I'm a young man. Now without the weight, I'm a healthy man with longevity. I hear Sil is at St. Barnabas. My God, what is happening to us around here? Sil's gonna be fine. You have enough worries. Listen, sweetheart, you're expecting something, and I can't get into specifics, and Tony wouldn't want me to, but there are certain people looking over our shoulders right now. It's okay, Vito. I'm not expecting anything. Money's not an issue. Like you said, I got bigger worries, like this son of mine. You gotta trust me on this, hon. Suspicions get raised if we were to move it to you at this moment. I got this. Your ma says now's our moment. The main thing, when people come to sit with dad, the doctors want positive talk. - It helps in his recovery. - Got it. Oof, Madonn' he looks terrible. Uncle Paulie, you can't say stuff like that. You have to stay positive. Yeah, it's just nothing prepares you for that. Uncle Paulie! Only one person at a time, please. She's a ballbuster. Finn's on his way up. I'll be back in a few minutes, okay? Remember, stay positive. I gotta wear a jock, the doc says. Keep the testes elevated. Of course, it could be a lot worse, right? They gave me an ultrasound, no rupture. I mean, the good thing is I hurt it doing a major piece of business. I saw a little action, and the next thing, I was at the urologist. Fucking guy tells me I can't expect the same things from my body no more. I tell you, T, first the eyes, then the teeth. Next you find out you can't take pissing for granted. Some joke, huh? When I was in the service, I won the chin-ups cup three weeks in a row. Fucking beautiful definition, too. Guy asked me to model for the boxing poster. He was half a fag, but I was flattered just the same. Now look at this. Fucking wrinkles like an old lady's cunt. You don't think it's gonna happen to you, but I'm feeling it, Tony. Phineas Fogg back in town. He forgets all the little people. Hey, Vito, how's Mr. Soprano doing? Let's hope he pulls through, huh? Hi. So glad you're here. I'm gonna let you two lovebirds be. That... don't worry about him. He's harmless. That fucking agita, T. I mean, do I blame myself for this life? The shit that happens, like with Puss. Standup one day,
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