maniac is almost always a supernatural force. Freddy, Jason, Michael Myers from "Halloween." Get the fuck out. Easy, Sil, easy. He's making a point. Michael Myers is an escaped mental patient. Jason and Freddy, different kind of movie. Well, that's the kind we're doing here. "Saw," "The Ring"...they made millions. And that's not even including "The Godfather" angle, which we got here. What if... they disposed him at stops that happened to be along the same route? Then he would all end up in the same dump. But he's a ghost? I don't know. "Ghostbusters"...another fucking money machine. Cavalry's here. I brought some cannelloni. Again. It's got bechamel on it, so five, six hours out of the fridge, tops. Thank you. - Hey. - Howdy. Look at her. That word "plucky," is that what it means? Only, when do I get to spend some face time with the skip? Hospital gets ticked off. We'll try to sneak you. this mob family domestic shooting, which some observers note carries the echoes of the death of soul great Marvin Gaye. As 20-year-old Anthony Soprano Jr. Himself told our Amy Kean, "Growing up Soprano, it's just plain weird." You just wanna bite it! Big Lots! What's your deal today? Carmela? I swear to God, I'm gonna fucking kill you! - What the fuck? - You made a fool of yourself and our family on national fucking television? I didn't even say that shit. They totally misquoted me. - Holy shit. - Well, of course they did. That's what they do, which is why I and everybody else told you, "Don't talk to the press!" You're the one who looked like a total asshole. Dragging me around like I was five years old. You are a cross to bear. That's all you are. To your father, to me, to everybody. Fuck this. Fuck it all! Jesus, Mel, the hell's wrong with you? What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? Mom. It had to happen. She's fried. You have any extra compensation for what you've been going through? Nah, part of the job. Like they say, with great power comes great responsibility. You know, Vito called me "skip" the other day. Really? Slip of the tongue, no doubt, but I noticed he didn't correct himself. See? If it did become permanent, - your compensation might be... - Don't go there. Hi, Gab. I need Sil for a second. Can you keep it short? He's pretty beat. This better be important, Bobby. Got a new baby and two kids in private school. This arrangement with Vito is killing me. It's 9:30 at night. Bobby, I don't remember what the fuck it was. Roseville, this temporary shit. I need an answer already. I'm going out of my fucking mind here. I'm liable to do something drastic. Calm the fuck down. Let me think. Mornings are better. I'll come up with a solution. I don't want you to worry about it. I must have sounded odd at the supermarket the other day. See, you're Tony's therapist. Whether it's appropriate... How can I help you? It's about my son. Both kids, really. The situation with the shooting. I'm very worried about them. Sure. It's a very serious problem, you know, guns in the home. It's a societal concern. Obviously, we learned our lesson too late. I immediately removed all the firearms from the house after the goings-on at Tony's uncle's. Anyway, last night, I was shrieking at my son, and I said something very cruel. And especially since he's been trying so hard... How are you doing? You know, I'm frazzled certainly, but I am more worried about them. They're not kids anymore. When they were young, there were certain things we could tell them about Tony's life. You know, lies. We'll just call them what they were. - But now... - So the issue isn't just guns in the home. Honestly, I think about my son in front of those cameras, having to vouch for all this. My daughter and her friends. They have to face all these years of facading. They do or you do? The
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