hi. How are you? How are you is more the point. I'm running around crazy. My son was supposed to get coffee, or tell the maid to. It's the one thing I have to have. I got your note. It was so thoughtful. I've been calling the hospital and they say that Anthony's stabilized. That's what they say. If you or anyone needs anything, to talk or to run interference with the doctors, - don't hesitate to call. - I appreciate that. Thank you. I have plenty of people around I can talk to. Of course. Good luck. - Morning, Gab. Is he ready? - He's eating. We're picking up Mrs. S. At 10:00. I saw her Tuesday. How's she holding up, poor thing? Not so hotso, really. - Coffee? - Yeah, thanks. You hear about the thing in the old neighborhood? I'm not busy enough for all this? Couple of guys left three on the floor in some Colombian laundry. Thank you. Two guys we know, huh? Total bloodbath. Somebody said a million plus. What a score. Fuckin' A. - Sil, Benny says you have to go. - Yeah, all right. Listen, don't forget... Oh, honey, your asthma kicking up? Springtime. Pollen's out of control. - I am so proud of you. - Acting boss. I hoped the day would never come. You've always sold yourself short. You know, that's not what I mean. You know me. All I ever wanted was to carve out a little piece, enjoy some grandkids. But how many guys could step into Tony's shoes - and do the job you're doing? - You think? You have such strength in crisis. Benny told me he feels honored to drive you. You're firm about what you want without being obnoxious about it. Sil, have you asked yourself what happens if, God forbid, Tony Soprano doesn't recover? Listen, Gab, I never talk to you about my work. And? I'm gonna tell you something I never told anybody. Back when Jackie was at the end, he floated the idea of me stepping up to the big seat. Not Tony, me. - Really? - Yeah, but I thought... - it's not for me. - Still, you wouldn't sneeze at it. I never saw myself as that kind of guy. I'm more behind the scenes... advice, strategy. But here you are, Sil. The times make the man, honey, not the other way around. Asians flip for horror films. Plus, there's ancillary... No change with Tony. Carmela's in goddamn pieces. Memo... get some coffee up to Carmela's house. Sil, Bobby was making collections up in Roseville again last night. My time is limited. Get him over and let's resolve this. - How's the skip doing? - Same. You forget something, like my cut? You believe this guy? You should've lost some weight in that nose, keep it out of everybody's business. I'm working on it. It's these fucking flowers right here. Get this shit out of here. That was Junior's neighborhood, so now it's mine. Keep your voice down here. A va' Napoli... it was Eugene's going on three years. And Eugene was with me. You should have never had it to begin with, except for the beef with the Tastee Freez route. Junior ruled on it, and it wasn't right then. This fucking guy. Easy. - How much we talking about? - Three Gs a week. Maybe that's what that miserab' admitted to you. - I heard five. - You heard wrong. What do we do here, Sil? - Here's the thing. - What, skip? For the time being, it's Bobby's. But he's still gonna kick up to you 20%. - How long's for the time being? - Yeah, Sil. What, do you speak Norwegian? For now. We'll see how much is there. Hi, everyone. My God, you poor thing. Hey, we just need some Irish Spring. Good morning. Another one? Know what I found out yesterday? What's that? Thank you. I was diagnosed actually... with Alzheimer's. Man, I'm sorry to hear that. My uncle has memory loss. Maybe it's hereditary. Someone's probably studying that. Is it possible that I am Kevin Finnerty? All right, I'll stop. - Sil. - What? You heard about this Orange Street takedown? The Colombians? That you? My
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