the subject came up. Steven was very impressed with her work at the poverty law center. He even got into starting salaries. He was talking $170. Jesus. Sweetheart, that's fantastic, huh? He had had too much gevrey. Don't devalue yourself. We've got a really interesting case right now. We're defending James Trefoglio, The county commissioner, on those corruption charges. Is that your case, honey? Bid rigging. It's got bagmen, whores. It's fascinating. - ( rock music playing ) - ( growling ) ( chuckles ) yeah, he does that, Sometimes most of the day-- just stares at chrissy's picture. The fuck? You know, they're funny that way. I had an aunt, her cat would only sit At the exact corners of the table, staring at her, Or at the intersection of two walls, staring in. This fucking animal is history, today! - pick him up. - you pick him up. ( door opens ) T, you see this shit? Does it all the time, he says. - oh yeah? - look at him staring at that dead kid. Gives me the fucking creeps. Walden, give us some privacy. Yeah. Walden-- the fuck kind of name is that for an italian? I was named after mr. Bobby Darin-- Walden Robert Cassotto. Heh. ( door opens and closes ) The Cifaretto crew-- it's a fucking chinese fire drill over there, Especially now that Carlo is absent. I know. I want you to skipper that thing. - really? - fucking thing is one big ATM machine. All our construction with New York folds right into your kick. Yeah. Jesus christ, I thought you'd be pleased. I didn't hand you the diagnosis of the clap. With due respect, I'd like to just mull it a little. I'm no spring chicken no more. I don't want to have me dying on you, leaving you worse off than before. Oh, you with the dead thing. You got the arms and upper body of a 20-year-old. I gotta work at that. And I had the prostate. All right, sure. Go ahead. I'm a little miffled, but yeah, sit with it. Thanks, T. This means everything, Your faith in me. In the line of duty. But we're short-handed. Anyway, mid-60s, Probably used the payphones. We don't have payphones. Just a couple of stations have them anymore. ( window rolls down ) ( hums sports theme ) Get in. ( hums the tune ) Activity-- that's good. I can already see a difference. Yeah. Gonna get back at it myself. Listen... I'm gonna join the army. What? Did you sign any shit? No, but this week I will. I gotta deal with rhiannon first. Rhiannon? What about your mother? - her too. - are you nuts? You wanna get sent to Iraq? Afghanistan. The army's probably good for my career. You don't have a career. Right. My ultimate goal is to qualify for helicopter pilot training, Afterwards go to work for trump or somebody, Be their personal pilot. ( stammers ) I'm not even gonna tell your mother about this. And don't you do nothing Until we've had another chance to talk. - you hear me? - yes. He's gonna join the fucking army. I gotta be frank, You people got him out of his room-- great-- So he can be cannon fodder? I wasn't aware of this latest plan. ( door opens ) Sorry. I should have gone before we left the house. Still on the army thing. On the other hand, I'm thinking maybe he could benefit From the training, the discipline. Maybe the army'd be great for him If there wasn't a war going on. Oh, I didn't tell you, he spent $200 On a set of cds that teach arabic. Jesus Christ, come on. "shish kebab"-- what else do you need to know? He used to just veg in front of that tv. He says he wants to get past the hate, Focus it only on the terrorists. I really can't reveal much more. Right. Even though we're paying. This whole therapy thing, I gotta tell you--
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