No payphone. ( nica babbling ) Tv host: ...Daughter gloria on the tv series... Look, there's a double-breasted robin. Janice: it doesn't cost anything to be polite. Woman: that goes two ways, ma'am. Tv host: ...Series "maude"? - man: arthur? - tv host: yes, bea arthur. - beatrice arthur. - ( audience applauding ) Put an x in the center box. $300 to the pot. And we shuffle the categories around again. Pat, how are you? - hi. - livia. I'm Janice, her daughter. ( speaks italian ) What did he say? I can't-- Uncle jun', I wanna show you something. Bobby and my baby. - Janice. - no, I'm Janice. That's my little girl. Her name is domenica. Sweet as she looks, she left my stove on on purpose, Put the flame out with a wet dishrag. I caught her. ( tv show continues ) Uncle jun', I'm afraid I have bad news. Bobby's dead. The ambassador hotel. Your Bobby, Bobby baccalieri. I'm a widow now. ( distant dance music playing ) She was inveigling him. She's after his money. You're not even curious about him? He can fucking rot. When you were an inpatient, You said you might try and get a job. I can't now because of the car. I need to get a bus schedule. The thing is, Ever since it blew up I feel, like... Cleansed or something. Because... It was a polluter? No. I mean, just watching it go, That huge fireball-- You have no idea. The heat-- My seat melted. I had been in it just a few seconds before. Carlo. Carlo. ( rings melodically ) Yeah. T, I had a meeting down here with Carlo this morning. We were supposed to go see butch and them on a couple of items. Carlo didn't show. And he don't answer his phones neither. I'll call you back on the prepay. ( phone rings ) Yeah. - what are you thinking? - that maybe we were had. That this fucking butch has taken out another ranking guy. T? ( door closes ) What if he flipped? - who? Carlo? - well? - you there? - his kid, the imbecile-- - Jason? - he got picked up yesterday, Patsy told me, for selling ecstasy. ( phone beeps ) Mead', they're gonna be here in-- Miss Hunter! Long time no see. How are you, mrs. Soprano? Oh my god, when was it? It was right around when you quit college. You're being kind. I was kicked out for partying and drunk driving. Well, I didn't want to say, but... Well, that was always you. So what are you up to now? I'm in my second year of med school. - oh. - yeah. I completed undergrad at purchase, Got my act together. Yes. They're gonna be here, Meadow. A man took his horse to a vet And the vet says to him, "why do you have a long face?" "a horse goes." there's no man. Right right. A horse goes to a vet. And the vet looks at his face and he says to him, - "my friend--" - a horse goes to the doctor. The doctor says, "why the long face?" Can't tell jokes. - more pinot grig', Patrick? - no, thanks. Speaking of jokers, where's that other son of yours today? I didn't think he was invited. I just thought with all the wedding talk, you know... No no, really, that pal of his, the other Jason-- I heard he ran into some trouble, - Carlo's Jason. - he's a mess. All right. Well, he's got no shortage of lawyers here. ( all laugh ) Ton', patsy needs a refill. - no, ton', I'll-- - sit down. Of course, this one here would only take the case for free. That's why we want her over at Grubman, Grubman & Curcio. Actually, Mead' and I have had some conversations And we may still snag her over at the firm - when she's done with law school. - no kidding? We went out to dinner with steven grubman and
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