face seeing him like this. - It frightens him. - It frightens everybody. He should get a pass? You know kids his age are getting blown up in Iraq. You know something that's interesting? Janice noticed that when AJ talks about Tony's possibly not coming out of this, he can't even use the word "dad." He says "Anthony Soprano is not going to die." Well, that's a fascinating psychological nugget, but it don't change the fact that if that kid don't pull his end in this, he's never going to forgive himself and nobody else should either. It's just that Tony has always loomed so large for AJ. Well maybe it's just that AJ is a selfish boy who doesn't give a shit. I'm sorry your son is no longer with us but don't use mine as a guinea pig for your ideas on parenting. I never saw you take a hard line. Why do you think I'm talking to you like this? The thing is, Tony has an open incision. If you are there in the room and they change the dressing, it's very hard to take. And I don't know that AJ should see that. Hey! Get the fuck off the property! Hey! I warned you yesterday. The curb line is your limit. I know. I know you hate it. I'm not going to tell you what to do, Finn. How would you describe your husband's relationship with his uncle? Were they close? You know of any issue they might have been having? I don't speak with Junior. I haven't for years. My husband knows how I feel and he never brought him up. What was your conflict about? It's not something I'm going to discuss with you. Your husband ever talk about Junior Soprano's mental state? You're flying full-fare coach? I did hear him telling other people how Junior was getting more and more confused... calling my husband Johnny, which was his father's name; resisting getting a haircut, that kind of thing. You spoke with your husband what time of the night of the incident? - L... I don't know. - I'm not bailing. Meadow, could you? - I'm just trying to understand. - Understand what? You're coming out from California to support me with my father being shot or because dental school is just sucking for you. Both. Is that so awful? If you have any more questions you're going to have to call my lawyer. When he was taken into custody, Junior made pointed references to the McGuire Sisters, Sam Giancana. - You mean the Kennedy assassination? - Yeah. You mean as related to this? - I had to ask. - My husband was three years old. Oh, I could sleep right here. It's all right. He'll be okay. The Shelby GT 500? 450 horsepower. Oh baby, and this guy on campus has one? And the Mustang's not as expensive as the M3 I used to talk about getting all the time. Jennifer, another round when you get your chance. Chris! Oh, Ahmed. You guys here again? You ought to put up a tent on this fucking bar. How's Tony? The girl said he was hurt pretty bad? - He's keeping his dick up. - His uncle did this to him? I was saying to Muhammad, why the hell... Not something we talk about. Please, give Tony our best when you talk to him. I will. Hey, Dad? I'm going to get Uncle Junior for this. Don't worry. I watched since I was little how nice you were to him. And he doesn't just get to do this to you, put you in here and get away with it. You're my dad. And I'm going to put a bullet in his fucking mummy head. I promise. I can't believe we're not going to like, do stuff together again. 'Cause we will. I'm positive. Hey. Hey. How's he doing? Hi, Dad. The doctor knows. The Chinese guy. He's calling the other guy to get permission to change the medications. I'll stay if you want to pee or anything. Hi. How's he doing? They didn't come back with the fever medicine yet. I'm so proud of you, AJ. You can't imagine how much this means to your father. Who knows what it means? He just lies there. Well, it means a lot to me then, how about that? Thank you for doing
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