distant seagulls crying ) ( waves lapping ) - Carmela: see you Thursday. - bye. Where are you going? I just got here. I'm really late meeting patrick in the city. Bye. Bye-bye. ( sighs ) How are you doing? She smelled that odor too. ( sniffs ) Your remodel will fix all that. Maybe it's toxic. Maybe we shouldn't be breathing it. It's not toxic. The owners were, what, 90 years old? It's piss. ( sighs ) I got to get home. I'm working on it. I went to see Sil... And Gab. Oh my god, Tony. Yeah. - are you being careful? - ( footsteps approach ) This kind of bothers me. Call me when you get home, okay? Okay. Thanks. Who is she gonna tell? But you should used the back door. I wouldn't kick her out of bed for purging cookies. Real funny. We're just friends. I know. Nice work. - she's a model. - she's doing some modeling. All right? She's a junior in high school. What? She's quitting modeling anyway. She's tired of being exploited. Did you help your mother take the carpets outside, - put 'em in the sun? - he did. Uncle Bobby's funeral is finally set For Thursday. And you're gonna be there. How's that supposed to work? We're all on def-con 4, living in separate houses And we're gonna stand out in the open at the cemetery? There is always a large fbi presence. Unbelievable. He was different, you know? We forget. When he was with blanca. Priest: we commend to almighty god our brother robert And we commit his body to its resting place... The ceremony just ended. ...The lord bless him and keep him. The lord make his face shine upon him... ( people conversing quietly ) Tony: every one of these things is lemon chicken or fish. - look at that. - can I have some sauce? - Paulie: I heard cauliflower's $3.99 a pound. - I'm not gonna have this. Can you believe that? Oh, pop, they got roast pork. Give me one. Thanks. - meow: she had won "American idol." - no. Jennifer hudson? Absolutely. Jason g. Was the winner of italian "American idol." He could say "fuck" more times in a sentence Than any other contestant. Uncle Paulie, come sit down. Yeah, I'll sit with you. I'm young at heart, right? ( violin music playing ) Who are you, dear? Tara Zincone. Bobby's niece. My condolences. ( groans ) oh... - did I eat. - it was good. In the midst of death, we are in life. Or is it the other way around? I think it's the other way around. Either version, you're halfway up the ass. Pardon my french, sweetheart. - I've lost two dear friends. - Sil's hanging on. I lost ma last month. You can take 2007 and give it back to the indians. - I'm sorry. - what are you gonna do? Life goes on. We were discussing "dreamgirls." did you see it? You people are fucked. You're living in a dream. You still sit here talking about the fucking Oscars? "what rough beast slouches toward bethlehem to be born?" - huh? - "yeets." - A.J. - yeats? The world-- don't you see it? Bush let Al Qaeda escape... - ho! - ...In the mountains. Then he has us invade some other country. Let's join up, go kill some fucking terrorists. It's more noble than watching these jack-off fantasies on tv Of how we're kicking their ass. It's like, America-- - Jason: what about it? - this is still where people come To make it. It's a beautiful idea. And then what do they get? Bling? And come-ons for shit they don't need and can't afford? You're all over the place. I don't know what you're trying to say. He's saying the framus intersects with ramistan Approximately at the paternoster. ( laughing ) Julius, what do I have to do? What do I have to say to get you out of here? Julius:
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