lost. Historically, Carmine always said the Sopranos Are nothing more than a glorified crew. Plain and simple, we decapitate And we do business with whatever's left. - What? - Nothing. I agree in spirit, but I gotta counsel. This thing should have been done during John's era. They got redundant upper management-- Bleeds off half the kick. We take 'em out, absorb the whole fucking thing. Take out an entire fucking family? Let me tell you a couple or three things: Forget Coco. Forget fat dom Who goes over to Jersey and never comes back. Forget my brother Billy. Phil, Phil, that's not what I'm saying at all. Anthony Soprano has no respect for this thing. He's never been in the can, not really. He's a guy who stepped over his own uncle to grab the big seat-- His father's brother. - Please, huh? - I'm embarrassed. I let him come to the hospital last Christmas And I took his fat fucking hand in friendship. Philly, you had a heart attack. Listen to me. They make anybody and everybody over there. And the way that they do it is all fucked up. Guys don't get their finger pricked. There's no sword and gun on the table. - Phil. - No, Alb. Either it has meaning or no meaning. And the Vito thing-- the man harbors a faggot. - it's true. - Five fucking families And we got this other pygmy thing over in Jersey. There's no scraps in my scrapbook. Make it happen. I like the way she played basketball yesterday. Almost got my first hard-on in, like, a month. Jesus, what's the meaning of quiet time around here? - Rhiannon? - A.J.? Jesus. What are you doing here? You first. I have some food issues, depression. - You keep up with Hernan? - He's a fucking slimeball. I caught him finger-banging my cousin on the ski lift. Well, somebody said you were modeling. Yeah, I guess. I signed with elite. So you would say he's responding to the therapy. Well, we don't do traditional therapy per se. Kids in crisis mostly need an environment of calm, No stresses. Do you want this? Or I can pop it in the mail. Just one more week of this. $2,200 a fucking day. Gabagool', provolone And vinegar peppers. You believe this fucking weather? End times, huh? Ready for the rapture. How's the antiterror going? Great if you don't like sleeping, eating or seeing your kids. Listen, those arabs from the bing-- - Mm-hmm. - Let me ask you the truth. They're in Jordan, right, getting their balls zapped? You're not gonna tell me? I'm not really sure. For all we know, They may be harmless pistachio salesmen. Don't get so bent out of shape. You're a big boy, Tony. You know, World War II, your outfit protected The Brooklyn navy yard. You think Roosevelt told Vito Genovese - Where Hitler was holed up? - Go fuck yourself. Tony, Tony, hold up. Tony. What? Look, I appreciate what you did giving us those names. In fact, I've been sitting here thinking... Remember that thing I told you about that was supposed to happen About a year ago, your problem with Brooklyn? It's on again possibly. You, maybe people close to you. If it was real solid, you would have been warned officially By the Newark office, but my colleague in Brooklyn, The one with the collaborator, Snitch is implying the wheels have already been set in motion. Implying. Where the fuck you been? Krista fell off her shoes last night. We had to call an ambulance. I had some shit I was taking care of. You're gonna want a snort. Come on, I just finished my bialy. Take it. Burt Gervasi, he's gone. What happened? I didn't want to overload you with A.J. In the hospital. I don't wanna hear that. Go. Burt let me know the other night He's been playing both sides of the fence with New York. - Burt? - Measures were taken. Burt wasn't speaking for just himself. Guys are getting squeezed hard To sway them towards new management. They thought you'd
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