Not really. It's all under control. So... the reason I'm here You could probably guess. What happened at coco's restaurant. This alteration you had with him-- You're at the precipice, Tony, Of an enormous crossroad. Phil's considering shutting down the hackensack mall project With a plumbing strike as we speak. Fuck it. Let him. Easy for you. I have the scaffolding contract. Oh, is that what this is about, Carmine? What do I owe you? Come on, huh? You know me better than that. My daughter, Carmine. My daughter. You got a little girl. You almost killed the guy. I should've killed him. I'd have had total support, - But I held myself back! - You were being prudent. Fuck that. I lost it. Timing couldn't have been worse, but what the fuck? So you go to Phil, I go with you, hats in hand, Bended knees. Why me, huh? Doesn't every parent make mistakes? Why not you? 'Cause I'm a good guy... basically. I love my family. There's a balance. There's a ying and a yang. Huh? You think you know. You think you learned something. Like when I got shot. Know what? All right. When I was in Las Vegas, I took peyote. Curiosity, I don't know. You were searching for something. Well, I saw some things. Not... things, per se, hallucinations, Roger corman shit. - It was kind of disappointing, there wasn't any of that. - What was there? It's kind of hard to describe. I mean, you've done it, right? Acid, shit like that. No. All I can say is I saw, for pretty certain, That this... everything we see and experience, Is not all there is. What else is there? Something else. But that's as far as I'm gonna go with it. I don't fuckin' know. Alternate universes? You gonna be a fuckin' comedian now? I'm not. Maybe. This is gonna sound stupid... but I saw at one point that our mothers are... they're bus drivers. They're-- No, they are the bus. See, they're the vehicle that gets us here. They drop us off and go on their way. They continue on their journey. And the problem is that we keep trying to get back on the bus, Instead of just letting it go. That's very insightful. Jesus, don't act so surprised. You know... you have these thoughts, and you almost grab it. And then... pfft. Butch, how are you? Phil is not accepting visitors right now. I just talked to him on the phone, butchie. I just talked to him in person. He ain't seeing nobody. What's going on, butch? I just brokered this thing. He came here to make a peace offering. A semi-Trailer of drills-- Makitas. We don't want your fuckin' drills. Fuck it. Let's go. That's right, cocksucker! - Go back to new Jersey! - Phil, what are you doin'? Take that piece of shit and get off my stoop. But we just talked about this. Well, cooler heads prevailed. - Uncle philly! - Uncle philly my ass. Will you just come down so we can discuss this? There's nothing left to discuss, Carmine. I don't understand. Why is he like this? Hey, it's sleeping beauty. I didn't sleep a wink. I know, we've been waiting for you. We have the chess set all ready. - He cheats. - Hello, honest abe? - Whatever. - We just haven't played for so long. I know, I just got all this stress at work. It's cool, it happens to a lot of people. - Really? - Absolutely. More than half of adults report experiencing Some kind of insomnia at least a few nights a week. We just want you back. - Thanks, guys. - When you can't sleep... no food in the unit, sir.Fuck you doing? Scared the piss out of me. Some things you don't get into over the phone. Got it. Lorraine's at mass. Watch out for Spencer. - Who? - Her fucking toy terrier's a shit machine. I talked to some of the guys about your misgivings. Yeah? Listen, I've made a decision. Take a walk in there. What the fuck you waiting for? Get
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