sandwiches. Maybe later. I am meeting gab for lunch, And then we are stopping at nordstrom's. If you go out, make sure you set the alarm. Okay? Jeez! Ah! Somebody! Help! Help! Help! My arms! They're frozen! A.J., what the fuck? Dad! Help--! Help! No, dad! Ah! - My leg, it's stuck! - On what? Huh? What the fuck did you do? Hel-- Help! All right, I got you. Stop fighting me. - All right... - Don't-- All right, turn around. Grab the side. Grab the side right there. All right. All right. God damn it. Hold that. Help me. All right, climb! Ah! What's wrong with you?! All right. Are you all right? All right, come here. Come on. Turn around. Come on, baby. You're all right, baby. You're all right, baby. You're all right. You're all right. Well, here we are. I'll get him settled. You can come tomorrow during visiting hours. I love you, sweetie. - I love you. - I love you too. He's had a lot of valium. But he was better for a while. Look, it's not your fault. You warned us. Come on, come on. Come on, it's gonna be okay. It will, mom. But he was always so happy. He was our happy little boy. I mean, God. Come here, baby. There you go. White walls. - Skip. - Hey, Ton'. There he is. You hungry, t? You want, I'll send the kid for baja fresh. Anything from Phil? No, not yet. All right, let's dispense with the 500-Lb elephant in the room, eh? My kid tried to off himself. We all fuckin' know. That's it. Nobody's got nothing to say? How's he doin', Ton'? They got him under observation. Whatever the fuck that means. Stupid fuck. Where did I lose this kid? What did I do wrong? Whoa, come on. Don't blame yourself, t. A lot of pressure on kids today, Ton'. Still, to try to kill himself? It's happens, skip. Happen to your kids? Or yours? They're all different, Ton'. My son patrick? I love him to death, But he can be a moody prick sometimes. Heather, you know, she was 15, She went through a rough patch. Jason, same thing. And he's got the hyperactivity to boot. My son too. The older one, James. - He tried to kill himself? - No no. I don't know, he-- He gets the blues. The important thing is A.J.'S getting the help he needs. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's a chemical imbalance. Ask me, it's all these toxins they're exposed to. It fucks with their brains. Between the mercury in fish alone, It's a wonder there ain't more kids jumping off bridges. I can't fuckin' shake it. Shake what? - I'm depressed. - Excuse me? I'm depressed. I'm telling you, don't you start now. - What does that mean? - It means what it means. I have enough on my plate, I don't need you adding to it with your bullshit. Bullshit? It's an illness. And it's fuckin' hereditary. Thank you, I know. I am intimately acquainted with the Soprano curse. Your father, your uncle, your great-Grandfather Who drove the donkey cart off the road in avellino, - All of it. - What, you think it's a joke? - Am I laughing? - Then what are you saying? He didn't get it from my family, That's all I'm gonna say. Your family don't even talk. Your father's so bottled up It's a wonder he's even got a stomach left. - As opposed to yours? - At least my father was upfront about what was bothering him. - Right, with a bullet through your mother's beehive hairdo. - Oh, I knew it. I was wondering how long it was gonna take for you to throw that up at me. You're amazing, you know that? In high school, you were the happy-Go-Lucky rascal, The comedian, the rapscallion. But all of that was bullshit, wasn't it? Oh, poor you. She got married under false pretenses. You've been playing the depression card Until it is worn to shreds. And now you've got our son doing it. Card? Card? You heard me. Oh, so it's all me, huh? Our Sonny boy? You had nothing to do with it? It wears you
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