sometimes talked about some sad shit, But you seem-- I don't know-- Actually sad. Not right now I'm not. Jesus, this is some pretty fucking amazing dope. Chris said you two... took peyote together. Yeah. I mean, I haven't done buttons in a while, though. You know, I've been thinking why the fuck I'm here. You can get to that place. No. No, I mean Vegas. Truth is I always wanted to try that shit... but I always had All the responsibilities. You're a hard man to reach. Nobody's seen hide nor hair. Yeah, I'm away. What do you want? What do I want? I'm returning your call. I think this got nothing to do with asbestos. Why don't you let go of the old shit and be a businessman? - You got everything you want. - Not everything. But listen, allow me to express my condolences Regarding your nephew. This is me hanging up. - I can tell you're upset. - Big fucking deal. - What exactly happened this week? - Nothing. You know, people walk around like this is all something. They'rfucking laughing And nobody takes even one second To think about what's really going on. You sound depressed again. How can anybody not be? You'd have to be fucking nuts Not to be. I mean, you'd have to have your head wedged so far Up your ass that all you could see Is your own stupid face. What specifically are you talking about? I mean, everything is so fucked up. Why can't we all just get along? You don't have to chew it. You just wash it down like a pill. It's the same principle as the solar system. No more bets. - 24. - Yes. Nice. Press it all. No more bets. 20. Holy fucking shit. Here. Much appreciated. No more bets. 24 again. - He's dead. - What? What? What? I get it. I get it!What's that? I got a mysterious package, Postmarked Las Vegas. Oh, "baume & mercier." Oh my God. This is so beautiful. I had it engraved. Here. "You are my life. Love, t." They couldn't fit "Tony." I believe that. Thank you. But I don't know what it's for. Well, like I said, I was sorry I had to go out to Vegas when I did. Once you explained You had to take care of Christopher's business interests... God knows kelli'll need the money. The baby. I'm talking about delay, right? Just take care of that, all right? Bobby? John stefano. You touchin' asbestos? No, I don't work with that shit. It's okay. Shame about Chris Moltisanti. These bozos? Ecuadorians. Bunch of 'em polacks. How come they ain't wearing their space suits? That's a union rule. If I couldn't run this job without that fucking contract, Ain't none of us gonna make any real scratch. You don't got an envelope? You must have seen fights before. Your friends beating up the African kid, Why do you think that's been impossible to shake? They had my back after all the shit with blanca. You know, they care about me. Did you try to stop the beating? I'm one individual. What could I do? I know kids on lexapro who say it's great, And I still feel like shit. I mean, why can't I catch a fuckin' break? Your classes, how are you enjoying those? English is boring. And the other one's kind of interesting, But it's pretty depressing. The israeli-Palestinian conflict? People blowing each other up because their God says They're allowed to live in a certainatch of fuckin' sand. Yeah, and other people's gods say they're supposed to live there. Maybe I shouldn't have taken it. You seem to be taking it all personally. These mujahideen assholes, like in indonesia, And they, like, want to kill everybody. Have you considered writing about your experience With the somali boy? A short story, perhaps? Why would I do that? It might help clarify your feelings. I was watching cnn... and this story about these kids in some iraqi hospital, How the burn unit doesn't have the right medicine or something. And then they show this story About some mall in
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