fuckin' program... The government has got money to burn. Gravano was livin' large down in arizona, all on that federal tit. - All right, let's get you home. - I like the sun, be closer to hollywood anyway. Give me your phone. I'm calling your wife. - What? - I have told you repeatedly, I do not want to hear this shit. I let you be part of my movie. You let me? I'm pouring my heart out, man. And I'm very sorry. - But we met in AA. - Chris! You're in the mafia. Fine. - Hey. - Hey. Early night, huh? ...they're slouching up 57th street, so next time we're in the city, I want to go. What's this? Party time? Rachael Ray was on "Leno." We got hungry. Sit down, I'll get some plates. Where were you guys? - Frat party. - Had a meeting. Did you go out tonight? I met a friend for coffee. That's probably why you're still awake. I guess so. Miss Meadow had a mystery date - she refuses to discuss. - oh yeah? What are you doing? Sit down. I'm wired. I don't know. So what's the mystery? That you had a date begin with? Bite me, okay?Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Stop dumping. Stop dumping. - What is matter? - Lower your bed. You can't dump here no more. You need to talk to your boss. Always we are dumping here. Caballero, put the shit back in your truck. What? That is huge job! Where I am supposed to be dumping this now? I just now find out it's asbestos you've been dumping over there. What did you think it was? I never asked. Tampax-- What the fuck do I know? Well, now you know. You and your friend there stefano have been pocketing how much On this cowboys-And-Indian asbestos removal? Billing the townships Like you're following althe epa regulations. You got the same scam, Phil, so why don't we cut through the bullshit? How much you figure you're owed on this? - 25%. - Don't be an asshole. You know, there's close monitoring at every fucking landfill. Maybe if somebody had been upfront with me from the beginning. Nobody's been hiding nothing. I had the same dumping deal with what's-His-Name, The operation's manager since I've been there at barone sanitation. You're not there no more. I am. You're enjoying your generous severance package. 25%-- That's not gonna happen. You've got a backyard, a pool, dump it there. That's my only other suggestion. He's got us by the gazz'. I'll tell you that. Unless that guy at the pennsy landfill decides to play ball. That asshole's shitting his pants he'll get pinched by the epa. Frankly, Ton', I'm thinking maybe we should meet Phil's number. Why? I think that would set a terrible precedent right now. Just bend over... when he just became boss of the family over there? Yeah, well, that's the flying ointment. Even still, I say let him have it. Life's too short. It's also too short to live it as a fucking lackey. True too. What is this, "make-Believe ballroom"? How many times you gonna change the stations? This "departed" soundtrack's fucking killer. - You got it? - Yeah, it's good. Regarding, Phil, I gotta ask: Whatever happened to "stop and smell the roses"? You're right. U're right. You can't fight every fucking battle, right? Asbestos... each day's a gift. Every time I look at my kid, that's what I realiz And that shit with Junior, please. Just that peoplike Phil, They're not on that page-- Take those rosesand stick 'em up your ass, thorns first. - This system's got no balls. So how was your party that day at the hous Slow the fuck down, will ya?! Maybe you sh go back, heidi. Kennedy, I'm on my learner's permit after dark. Ton'... you gotta... help me. I'm coming. I'll never pass the drug test. What? You gotta get me out. I'll lose my license. Never pass a drug test. Call me a taxi. 911. We've been in an accident. Old pumping station road... past the reservoir. Sorry about that. My friend.
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