man took the gas pipe when Eugene was a kid. His son, the drugs maybe. I knew him better than anybody, but still... Maybe he was a homo, felt there was nobody he could talk to about it. That happens too. Good thing Tony never heard about him killing himself, at least. Got enough on his plate. The nurse told me she saw AJ. She did? I asked him to bring Dad's Tony Bennett box set from home. Yeah, it's been kind of weird. Would you call it growing up Soprano? I guess. I don't know. Come with me. Hold on there. What did I tell you? We were just talking. Don't talk to them. Say nothing. Where are your father's CDs? - I forgot. - Oh Jesus God, Anthony. - Everybody is pitching in here but you. - Thanks, Mom. I wish you would go to class if this is all you're gonna do. With my father in the hospital? Go to the deli on Broad Street. Get some bagels. All right? Get enough for everybody upstairs, an assortment. And go this way. Look. Chris just sent this over. A little stereo. Mead, my God, I'm telling you, she seems like she's grown up so much. What she knows. She will make a terrific doctor. I got some CDs from my car. Oh yes, you like this one. Anthony, Anthony. Ho, Sheriff of Nottingham. My kingdom for a mortadella, huh? They make a great sandwich here. No getting around it. What about that disease you picked up over there in Diarrhea-stan or wherever the fuck you were? This might be the cure. Yeah, we're sorry to hear about Tony. I got nothing to say about what happened so... That's not why I asked. How's he doing? He's fucked up. You know what I think? I think you don't come here for the sandwiches. I think you come 'cause you miss us. Hey, I can't blame you. That job you got now must be depressing. - How goes the war on terror anyway? - Working it. I heard Fieldcrest reported a truckload of towels missing. We actually spend a little more of our time trying to interdict the financial networks that fund the terror cells worldwide. - No shit. - Truck hijacking, narcotics. In fact, if you ever heard of anything going down, Middle Easterners, Pakistanis, you'd be helping a lot if you picked up a phone. - And called you? - It's your country too, isn't it? Like I'd know one of these suicide jerk-offs if he bit me on the the ass. You knew Matoush Zhia. Hung out at your girlfriend's club. He was a drug dealer, her friend. I didn't know shit about his politics till one of your people told me. Something to keep in mind. I take that terrorism shit seriously. And Tony, don't even get him started. This song was playing in your car that entire weekend we all went down to Long Beach Island. Remember Artie and Charmaine broke up for the first time? First of many. She accused him of letting her drown in the ocean. Remember that? That wave picked her up and slammed her down on her head in the sand? Oh my God, her around water. And remember the time that she got cramps from eating that huge calzone? You had to go in after her. She almost dragged you down by your hair. Oh... Imagine that. At one time you had enough hair that a woman could grab it with both her hands. You're going to be fine, Tony. I know it. The doctors say you're going to be fine too. They are very confident. They know that you are really strong. You're strong as a bull. You know that that's always gotten to me. When you used to pick me up and throw me over your shoulder... oh my God, Tony. You used to get me so hot down there. I can feel it right now just thinking about it. You are going to be okay, Tony. Your friends, your kids all love you. A long time ago I told you you were going to go to hell when you died, when you had that MRI. And you threw my words back at me when we got separated. And you were right. That was a horrible thing to say. It's a sin, and I will be judged for it. You're a good father. You care
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