law. Chris? Fine by me, but if I were you, I wouldn't make a problem where there ain't one. - Take over, okay, Felix? - What you do? - I'm leaving. - Who? I'm going home, all right? I quit. Why you do that? If Dale calls, just tell him I'm sorry. But you're the manager. - Ton', hey. - Hey. - How you doing? - This always helps. Ooh! God bless the NFL. I tell ya, I owe a spot of it to my son. I was against this kid even going to college. But once him and Carlo's kid started taking action on campus, far as I'm concerned, he should stay till he gets a Phd. Benefits of a higher education. Don't get me wrong. He's learning stuff, too. The shit this kid knows about computers... He set his mother up with a whole web site for her ceramics business. You must be very proud. Believe me, I thank God every day. I gotta take a leak. Oh, Parisi the younger. I was just talking to your dad about you. - What did I do now? - To hear him tell it, u're the golden boy. - Hey, ton'. - What the fuck's with you? Root canal. They got me on Oxycodone. My whole fucking head is numb. Well, that answers a loof questions. What the fuck are you laughing at? I'll see you inside, Ton'. I got something for you. - So how's Rutgers? - You see those envelopes? Majoring in cash, Minoring in ass. Things change,uh? When I was in college, it wasn't so much with the sports betting. - Hey, how's AJ doing? - Good good. He's working. Broke up with that girlfriend of his. That spanish chick? He took her to my cousin Angela's wedding. She was smoking, that girl. Yeah yeah, you know, whatever. He didn't want to get too serious. Fuck, Jay, check it out. Holy shit. So Sil tells me you booked a party here next week. - Yeah, yeah, it's our frat. - You should call AJ. He's probably busy, but I know he'd love to see you guys. - Yeah, sure, absolutely. - Definitely, absolutely. - Who is it? - Me. - How you doing, kid? - What the fuck, Paulie? I left you four messages. My flight was delayed. I just got home. And I've been dealing with Al for two days. Just tell him to relax. They busted into his store. His acid reflux is acting up. He woke up Kelli, got her all upset. It's my fault your father-in-law's a crybaby? They told him I'd take care of him. - What's his problem? - I'm stupid now? You know and I know they were there to boost that shit. It couldn't wait, okay? I pormised a load to lenny down the joint-fitters union. What do I give a fuck? It ain't my union. Lower your voice. I got neighbors. Fuck your neighbors. When you gonna pay me? When you suck the money out of my ass! Now get the fuck out! Add three more M.R.I.s and you're looking at a 10% increase - Across the board. - Listen, I gotta talk to you. - Now? - It can't wait, T. This fucking paulie! What happened? He sent his idiot nephew and jason molinaro to my father-in-law's store. They boosted a pallet of power saws. - They did? - Yeah. Not exactly. Al caught 'em while they were there. So they did or they did not take the saws? They did under false pretense. And this is what you couldn't wait to talk to me about? They broke into the guy's store, T! Yeah, I hear you. I get it. But we're in the middle of talking about an ongoing, potentially multimillion - dollar proposition here, Christopher. It ain't the money, Ton'. Oh, really? Well, I'm glad you feel that way. A pallet of drills. You believe this shit? Go have a lime rickey or whatever the fuck it is you're drinking these days, and we'll be done in a few minutes. Forget it, all right? I got other shit to do. Come in. I need to talk to you guys. What's the matter? Finn? What? No. It's not about me. AJ. - What about him? - I know he's upset, but he's been saying some things that are really disturbing. - Like what? - Like nobody gives a shit about him. What's the point of anything? Stuff like
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