with your emotions and whatnot. And I know it feels like you're never gonna love anybody again. But trust me, there's millions of girls out there that are dying to meet a guy like you. - I see 'em every day. - Oh, right, I'm so special. You're damn right you are. You're handsome and smart and a hard worker, and let's be honest... white. That's a huge plus nowadays. Go out and get a blowjob. I don't want a blowjob. Keep your voice down. Why? - Who's listening out there? - Nobody. Oh, fuck me! You saw her again, didn't you? I knew it. I don't wanna talk about it. I love you, Anthony. It's killing me to see you like this. What's the fucking point? - Point of what? - Just leave me alone. Honestly, I was glad when they broke up. The culture divide... But now... Everything turns to shit. Hi. - Thank you so much for inviting us. - Sure. I'm so nervous cooking for all these people. - Dad, do you remember Tony's sister Barbara? - Of course. - Hi, nice to see you. - Her husband Tom, Stefan, Alyssa. - Hi, this is for you. - Oh, thank you. And the baby. Oh, come in. Come in. - Oh, look at that baby. - Smile for grandma. - Can I play the Xbox? - What happened to folding the napkins? - How you holding up? - I'm totally freaking. I gotta take the ziti out. You okay, T? - You having a good time? - Yeah. So it could be good. Got a lot of money in this. Oh, look at that wrist action. All those years yanking it finally starting to pay off. That non-alcoholic shit any good? It's all right. Less filling, tastes like ass. This is nice. About time you invited everybody over. It was Kelli's idea. She's been wanting to get her teeth wet with the entertaining. Good thing, else I'd never see you. What are you talking about? - Steak's done. - You think so? It keeps cooking even if it's off the flame. The juices. So what's up with you? You've been like a ghost lately. You're around one second, next thing you're gone. - I was by the Bing the other day. - For, like, five minutes. You know, you of all people should understand how hard it is for me to be around that place. - I should? Why? - 'Cause you're in therapy. You understand the human condition, at least. Still doing that? Turn those ribs. Truth is, between the booze and the strippers over there, half of them are fucking cokeheads. It's hard, you know? And Satriale's, that fridge full of beer. You know how tough it is to eat a sausage and peppers without a cold one? So then just quit. You want a beer, too bad. - Show some balls. - I got balls. I can't eat eggplant no more 'cause of my stomach. Might put me into a relapse. Now believe me, I'd like to, but I don't. It's not that simple. - Well, make it simple. - It's a disease. I inherited it. You know the problem with my mother. I gotta be honest. This whole disease concept, I think it's bullshit. So you know more than the leading scientists now? - I know a crutch when I see it. - So my dad? You obviously must have knew he had a crutch. - What the fuck are you talking about? - Come on, Ton', huh? Between the coke, the vodka, whatever the fuck else he was squirting up his arm... Let's be honest about the great Dickie Moltisanti: my dad, your hero, wasn't much more than a fucking junkie. - Hey, don't fucking move! - Whoa, whoa, Al, whoa, whoa. - Easy easy. - What the fuck is going on? Paulie, remember? Germani. We met at your granddaughter's christening. The fuck are you doing? - My uncle didn't call you? - No... - Who's your uncle? - Paulie Gaultieri. - These are for his friend down at the union. - What union? He was supposed to call you. You fucking believe this? Al, this is a big fucking mix-up. I thought Paulie called you. - The guy's waiting. - So you break in? I got a silent alarm that goes right to my house. He'll take care of you. Don't worry. Let me talk to my son-in-
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