word? - Can't complain. - Sure you could. Phil Leotardo. My first assignment out of the academy was in Brooklyn. Never cared for him. He tried to set up this other rookie, female, for rape and beating. Listen, that subject we talked about... If I was to know something possibly terror-related and help you out, could I bank the resulting goodwill? Well... What happens is I would personally write you what's called a 5k letter. It's a document setting forth your cooperation and service. Is letter would be placed in your file and if you were ever convicted of a crime... It'd be presented to a judge when he or she would be considering sentencing guidelines. Well, there were a couple of guys, I don't know, arabs, arabians maybe. They used to hang around the Bing, and somebody I knew may have did some business with them. At the port? - You were saying. - The point is they used to be around all the time, these two, you know, drinking and trying to tit-fuck the girls, whatever. And then suddenly, they disappeared, and I mean completely. And then a week or so ago I'm driving, and I see 'em with these other guys, they had the headgear and the beard and the whole fundamental bit. But there's nothing illegal there, right? What were they doing? Walking. But then they meet up with this other group. I don't know. It seemed... You got a name? One was Ahmad or Jamali... Hold on, hold on. Hey, T. Yeah, I'm here with some people, and, uh... The arabs from the Bing. What were their names? - Some people? - Exactly. Oh, fuck, yeah, Ahmed and Mohammed. - What did they do? - Ahmed and Mohammed. You know, actually, I got a cell number. I called him recently, but he don't answer no more. Ahmed Al Najafi. 973-555-0146. Ahmed Al Najafi. Tell me they're not gonna blow up the chemical plant or some shit. I don't know. I'll call you later. - Cell phone. - That's a real prize. Thank you. So finally I said, "okay, you know, as long as you don't mind yesterday's pizza. "No, no", he said, "It's cool. "So great," I told him. "Come back tomorrow." You are so bad. - Hey. - Hey, how you doing? - I'll add you overtime? - Yeah, thank you. - Who's that? - I don't know. Some guy. What are you, going out with him? He smiled, Anthony. He works here. - You gotta stop. - Or what? Or I won't see you again. Oh, like meeting me for coffee is such a big deal. Honestly, I don't even think it's a good idea anyway. How come? 'Cause last time you started crying and had to leave the Starbucks. I can't sleep at night without you. It'll get better, okay? I love you so much. I gotta go back to work. Stop. You're embarrassing me. You knock off early, we go back to your place, christen those new sheets you were telling me about. A man with a plan, huh? The man with the erection. Let me take this. Hey. It's me. I need you to come home. It's AJ. - What happened? - I am worried, Tony. I have never seen him like this. I'm supposed to meet the realtor to see a new property, - but I am afraid to leave him alone. - Afraid, why? Will you just come home, please? Go away. It's me. What's the matter? - What happened? - You know what happened. Blanca still. All right, that's it. Enough's enough. Look, I'm fucking depressed, okay? You broke up. How long you want to cry about it? She was my life. You're 20 years old. You barely have a life, and you're better off anyway. She was cute, okay, but come on. With another guy's kid to boot. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. What you're going through, what you're feeling right now... It happens sometimes. Everybody gets the blues. There's a half-a-billion-dollar industry devoted to it. What, Prozac? No, the music business. They write thousands of songs about this shit. "Tears on my pillow," "Mona Lisa," right? Listen, these fucking women, they'll drive you nuts
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