( Closes Drawer ) What? Sit Down. Come On. I'm Sorry. I Really Am. You Did Real Good With That House. And I Should Know. I'm In Construction. I'm Glad To Hear You Approve. I Have Been Losing. I'm Fuckin' Losing Right Now. On A Shitty Streak. So Your Solution Is To Risk More And Make Things Even Worse? You Start Chasing It. And Every Time You Get Your Hands Around It... You Fall Further Backwards. So This Is About Money? 'Cause It Didn't Feel Like It. Carm, I Swear To You, You'Re Not Gonna Be Like Ginny. I'Ve Been Real Good About That, And Frankly, It's Not Gonna Happen To Us. And I Hate That You'Re Going Around Acting All The Time Like It Will. I Worry, Tony. I Do. You Already Got Shot. Now You Won't Even Go Down And Get The Paper. Who Is Out There? - Come On... - What Is It? What Are The Million Other Possibilits? The Fbi Waiting To Take You Away? Right? You Eat And You Play, And You Pretend Like There's Not A Giant Piano Hanging By A Rope Just Over The Top Of Your Head Every Minute Of Every Day. See, That's It, Okay? I'Ve Been Thinking About This. Now, I Survived A Fuckin' Gunshot Wound. What Are The Odds On That? Terrible. So If You Think About It, Big-Picturewise, I'm Up. What? Way Up. That Was Me, Not A Fireboat. 10:30. 10:30. What Would You Like For Breakfast? Hmm? Renata? Renata? Oh God, No. Wait Wait, Renata. ( Dialing ) Renata. Renata, Please, Oh, Wait. - Renata, Renata. - Woman: 911. What Is The Emergency? ( Sobbing ) ( Knocking On Door ) She Was A Great Girl. Thanks. The Best. I-- I Brought Your Money. Sorry For Your Loss. ( Jazz Playing ) When I was a child I had a fever # # My hands felt like just two balloons # What are you doing up so early? I couldn't sleep. - You want breakfast? - Yeah, all right. - Anthony. - What? I am making french toast. I'm not hungry. Jesus, how many times you gonna ask me? You've heard the term comfort food. Maybe it'll make you feel better. I know this is hard for you to believe, but food may not be the answer to every problem. - Neither is acting like a whiny little bitch. - Tony. I'll eat at work, okay? My shitty-ass pizza job. If it's so horrible, take a day off. My fiancee left me. That job is all I have in my life. It's better to have loved and lost, AJ. - What? - It is. I feel bad for him, but what the fuck? Why's he gotta take it out on us? I'm looking for a miter saw. I got the Makita, carbide blade, laser guide. - Lists for $600... $200. - Sold. - Mike, you got that? The Makita. - Yeah. Cheese it. It's the off-duty cops. - You know my son-in-law Chris, the movie producer? - How you doing? - Let me know about that ticket. - It's squashed, forget it. Thanks. How you doing? How's my little girl? - Good. You coming Sunday, right? - Yeah. 2:00, she said. For you. Tell your friend Paulie to keep these power tools coming. Madonn', those fucking belt sanders flying off the shelves, huh? You ain't seen this many cops lined up since the centennial of Dunkin' Donuts. They're all handymen. They got side jobs so they can afford those 18-foot bass boats. Cataldo, that state trooper, he's putting a drop ceiling in my basement. Thanks, sweetie. 12k in there. I took my cut. I'm seeing Al again next week. - To business. - You're gonna jinx me? Toast with water? It's club soda. What's your problem? You got the problem, my friend. You're a real fucking drip lately. When I was using, I was a disgrace. Now I'm sober, and I'm a drip. The fuck you want from me? How's about being normal? That so fucking hard? Actually, yeah, Paulie, for some of us it is. Don't get cunty. I'm breaking your balls. What do you say we take a ride? Little prime rib? On me. - Maybe next time. - What are you, watching your cholesterol now, too? Yeah, you're fucking hilarious. Hey, Tony. What's the good
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