coma? Actually, now we've induced coma. - He's snowed with Ativan. - What? Why? Control the seizures while we try to knock down the fever with antibiotics. It says his temperature's down some. The problem here is not only are we looking at the obvious negative outcome, but in these cases we also contemplate degrees of brain damage in the event he does survive. - What antibiotic is he on? - Zosyn. Sorry, Doctor, she volunteered in an ICU this summer. Columbia Pres in New York. She's thinking about a career in medicine. - Oh, good. - Or law, I don't know. Good morning, Doctor. I'm the sister. We met yesterday. Look, you're all doing the right thing. You're staying with him, keeping contact, but talk to him also. Keep him engaged. You might want to play some of his favorite music. You know fortunately for him, he is at a level-one trauma center. Or with his injuries, believe me, he would have been dead 12 hours ago. Okay, I see. Thank you, Doctor. "Thank you, Doctor"? "I'm sorry, she volunteered at an ICU"? You treat these guys like rock stars. - He's the doctor, Meadow. - Well why bring up brain damage now? We'll cross that bridge if we have to. I came by to help, guys. Anything. I left Nica with Bobby's mother. You both should get some rest. Come on in and see him. Your sister's here too. Oh my God. Oh God. I can't get used to this. Oh my God. - Oh my God. I can't... - I know, Janice. I know. Get her some water. Come here, sit down. - It's okay, it's okay. - That's my brother! - What are these? - A watch and a pencil. Repeat the following sentence, "No ifs, ands or buts." I'll do it if I fucking feel like it. Take your ultimatums and stick them in your ass. No, repeat the sentence. What is this person talking about?! These people are trying to establish for the government, that if you shot Anthony Soprano, which we're not conceding, that it certainly wasn't intentional... that you were confused and disoriented. - Don't coach him, please. - My nephew Anthony? - That's why you're here in custody. - Where's Mel? You dismissed Mr. Melvoin as your attorney and hired me. Because of his paralyzed hand from his stroke, it made your nervous. If somebody shot my nephew it was him himself. He's a depression case. You got any beefs, I'm the one you come to. Likewise, weekly I'll collect for the skip. I'll keep it for him until he's back on his feet, taking out a portion for Carmela to run the house and that shit there. - Good. - Absolutely. Anybody got any questions? For now, not personal questions relating to yourself, but about the family. - Yeah, Vito. - The sports book in Roseville. By rights, that should go to me now. - Eugene was with me. - Yo, what'd I just say? Not about yourself! What do we do about Junior? He's in jail. That puts him out of our reach. - Not necessarily. - He's a demented old fuck. I say we do nothing. Let him rot, sever all ties. End this embarrassment right now. He "Marvin Gayed" his own nephew, the boss of this family. What happens to Junior is Tony's call. - That's right. - Bobby, all due respect, where the fuck were you that night? Why was the skipper babysitting Junior? I had other family obligations. Ask my wife. Tony volunteered. Are we done? I'm going back to the hospital. He's gotta make an issue out of everything lately. Roseville's been Junior's territory since the Big Bang, which means it goes to Bobby now that Junior's out of the picture. Vito already pulls down more scratch than anybody, from the unions. Let him go to the hospital first, that fat fucking kiss-ass. I'm buying Tony a nice little stereo for the room. He don't need that. Look at this fucking mutt. Who wouldn't like to take the easy way out? Maybe the poor fuck was suffering from inoperable cancer or some shit. Suicide runs in families. Maybe it was his mother or his old
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