ton', remember when we all rented that house down the shore? - with the bedbugs? - summer of '78. Carlo, silvio, frankie napoli... - place up the beach... - yeah. ...sonny spinz from the bronx rented it, that's where that hippy kid "mysteriously" drowned during that party. Hey ton', you okay? Yeah yeah. You sure, t? Yore being kinda quiet. That's 'cause... "remember when" is the lowest form of conversation. I told tommy deleo you're the boss now. This fucking deleo construction has always been a problem. Tell him I personally am upset. - nice gravy, huh? - yeah. Anyway, yo taste. How's patricia? You mind? Go ahead. Now I'll start by making a mountain fold on each corner. Folding the corners into the center of the paper... Touche, "captain blood." checkers, the thinking man's game. You looking for a smack in the fuckin' mouth? Corrado? Language, please. - what do you want? - if you'd move, perhaps I could reach the chess set. And if I don't, what the fuck are you gonna do then? - you don't intimidate me. - corrado! - you're lucky she's here, you little prick. - naturally. You're only toughwhen ty figure nearby so things don't go too far. Oh, how the mighty have f... Corrado! Get him! Get him! How do you like that, huh? Fuckin' smart guy! How do you like that! God, no! I'm gonna kill this prick. Would you describe mr. Soprano as the aggressor? Is he generally a troublemaker? Nah, he cool. You just gotta know how to talk to him is all. That's a lovely watch you're wearing. Is that vintage? Bulova, yeah. Flea market. Must have been quite expensive. Why am I the only caregiver being interrogated here? It wouldn't happen to be because of the color of my skin, now would it? Thank you for your cooperation. You can go. I'm gonna write a change order for soprano's meds. Yeah, I need a bridge loan. If ya could. - 200k. - done. What can il you? I've been fucking mush lately. It happens. I lost the 1:00 game by a field goal. It was a pick 'em. Then the 4:00 game, I'm chasing the money, I picked the 49ers minus two. Ah, fuck it, you don't want to hear this. It's been this way the last couple months though. - listen, this too shall pass. - thanks, tateleh. - any time. All right. Is this a nonsmoking room? Go ahead. Dinner was fun the other night. - yeah. - how do you know per? Who peter? Beansie? He's an old friend... From the neighborhood. So the other guy? The one with, um... White hair thingies? What's his name again? - paulie. - right. What is he, like, your best friend? - he say that? - I just figured. The way he was talking. Honestly, I thought heas your dad at first. There was a time when I wished he was. He... He used to work for my dad. I know, he told me. Corrado? Corro? - huh? - it's time for group. It's these new pills last couple of days. I got no pep. Oh, that'll change. There's a slight adjustment period. But I'm sleeping all the time now. I can't focus. Just givit some time, you'll feel a lot better and your memory will improve too. You know that's bullshit, right? They're trying to numb you out, 'cause of what you did to the professor. Where the fuck is this guy? West on 84, beans said, right? There. What the fuck is this? Ho! Ho ho ho! God damn it. Who's ramon? Waiting long? So everybody come tonight except charo? All right, hold on, hold on, hold on. I'm tony, this is paulie. This is esteban and the rest of the guys. So our friend in the wheelchair tells us you get regular access to goods? Okay. I got a trailer full of power tools, coming in later on this month. Factory-sealed black and deckers and makitas. ( Rattling ) Croupier: 23, Red And Odd. - Man: No! - Yes! Motherfucker! Fucking Nailed It, T! Jesus, 23. Sophia's Birthday. I Shoulda Had That. Got It Like Five Ways There. Six. He's On Red, Too. - You
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