get us settled in. - hey. - it's not good. The feds found a body. Skeleton. They tentatively I.d.'d it as the guy. - ah, fuck. - try and relax, huh? How's paulie holding up? Jaws are holding up fine. He won't shut the fuck up. - that's too bad. - what the fuck's he gotta worry about anyway? Scenario like this, the feds ain't interested in him, believe me. Look, I love the guy, it's just... - you know how he is. - believe me, I hear you. What else? Let me think. Um... I looked in on carm and she's okay. All right, thanks. Call me if you hear anything. ...use your hat! - "and hope to hear from you soon." "sincerely... " no. "respectfully, corrado soprano." read it back. "dear vice president cheney, as a powerful man all too familiar with accidental gunplay, I am writing in the hope that you will intervene in my case. Like yourself, I was involved in an unfortunate incident - when a gun I was handling misfired." - head up, yo. - I's you, I'd lay off the card games awhile. - fuck's the matter? The professor snitched you out to dr. Mandl. What do you do with those, jameel? Autographed pictures of the man who capped tony soprano? Shit, them motherfuckers go right on ebay. Come on now, sign. That was our deal. You wanna keep getting them sodas? Sick fuckin' world. - for you. - oh, wow. I got one for cristina and gia too. Thanks. Where's the dvd? That never occurred to me. I'll have sil fedex you one. - long as you're here. Salut'. Hey, listen, before the girls get here, remember that cuban guy I was telling you about? He knocks over trucks. Last load was american standard sinks, toilets, tubs... - no shit? - mmm. - all right, let's talk. - I'll give you his number, you call him. Now, check this out. You're not gonna believe what I found when we were moving into the new house. Holy fucking shit. Mickey pinto took that in 1963. Look at that hair. Handsome fuckin' guy, eh? That wristband, the leather thing, I remember getting one just like it, me and all my friends. Wanted to be a tough guy just like him. That big one, that's your uncle junior and your old man in front of satriale's. There he is. It's the biarritz. We were just talking about that. I tell you what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna have my daughter scan them into the computer so I can get a couple of copies for you. Oh, that's my wife. I gotta take this. No, stay, stay. It's all right, come on. Uh, I gotta empty my bag anyway. Hey, honey, sweetie, h? - gisays hi, guys. - hello, gia! He pisses in a bag now? Jesus christ,fuckin. Supporting them with a huge warehouse covering 28 acres! Stuffed to the rafters with over 3,000 products you can order at rock bottom prices and sell for profits of up to 300% and more. It's easy to wish for a better life... Just pick up the phone and call this toll-free number... ) - hello. - junior, it's pat. You put any thought to our plan? What plan? The dentist, know, like we said - who is this? - it's pat! The dentis remember? You were gonna make an appointment. You sneak me off, - where would I lam it? - um... A safe house, I don't know. The time's not right. I'm being watched. Call back later. - 'cause I'm headed back to sarasota soon... to get started. They give you plenty of ideas and support and the quality of the product is even better than what you see in the catalogs. I decided I wanted something where I was my own boss... Back in the day... '70s... Fuckin' '80s... You didn't make a move in north jersey without this one up your ass. I wasn't even born yet. Please. Wanna talk about stand-up guys? Sorry, beans. Hey, carlo, can we get some more champagne please? Hey, remember that yokel at the feast mouthing off to your cousin? This maniac threw a vat of hot oil right from the zeppole stand on this prick. Oh my god. Little powdered sugar, he would've been done. And
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