havenaire? - I don't know. Fuckin' guy. Mr. Spears, you're all set. Two king rooms, one night, checking out tomorrow. From 6:00 to 10:00 we offer a complimentary buffet breakfast in the courtesy room off the lobby. Sign there, please. Can you have room service send up two fifths of glenlivet? I apologize, sir, we don't serve bottles. There is a minibar in the room however. - all right, a couple steaks then. - with baked potatoes. Wraps and salads only after 11:00. Buckingham's is still open though. You could get some nachos. Your dad, boy. Him and me made this trip a thousand times back in the '60s. He had a piece of that dog track, right? Among other things. This one time, my first trip ever, we're going through georgia. He's got a '59 eldorado with the fins. The biarritz, he used to let me steer. I'm like 20 at the time, I'm a kid. Neveanyway, I'm drivin', we get pulled over. State trooper with the hat, fuckin' sunglasses. I got no driver's license. Of course not. I'm shittin' a brick. This is the deep fuckin' south we're in, and we're italian. I turn to your dad... "what do I tell this prick?" "relax," he says. "tell him your cousin's on the job." he gives me a southern-sounding name. The guy comes over. "oh, my cousin's a state trooper too," I tell him. "maybe you know him." "what's his name?" "barney fife." pow! The prick gives me a shot, I don't know what the fuck hit me. Your dad's fuckin' pissing himself. I mean, I never watch tv. How the fuck do I know, right? - so what happened? - your dad had to "duke" the guy 100 fuckin' dollars. Probably ath's salary in those days. You know, I remember you around that time. When I was bad, my dad used to threaten me he was gonna get uncle paulie to come get me. Fuckin' johnny boy, eh? He loved you, my friend. I remember the night you were born. Only time I ever saw him cry. Heh. It's funny, you know, I... Never knew where I stood with him. Like he didn't believe in me or something. Fucking kidding? He trusted you enough to give you the willie overall thing. - and you were what, 24? - 22 so there you go then. I tell the guy, I said, "listen, I don't mind paying for the tailpipe, but that fuckin' muffler's still under warranty." - all set? - yeah. - nice talking to ya. - yeah, you too. Enjoy miami. What the fuck is wrong with you? - what? - you tell some fuckin' goober your life story? We're supposed to be laying low. I'm gonna grab some danish for the road. - you have shit on your pants, don. - please be patient with him. Yes, ma'am. Visiting day at the zoo. Don't feed the chedrools. - uh, ma. - how was church? It was fine. It was good. You remember mr. Soprano? Corrado, please. Hello, my dear. - how are you today? - I'd complain, but who'd listen? They have me on some new medication. It makes me salivate. I'll leave you two to visit. I have some letters to answer. - he's a good boy, this one. - thank you. I have this new medication they put me on. It makes me salivate. How are you feeling? - fine. - maybe you can clear something up. Dr. Mandl says you've been acting aggressively toward other patients? First of all, that is total fucking bullshit. - carter... - secondly, why don't you just lead off with that? What are you talking about? Instead of pretending to give a shit how I feel. Now, apparently, you are becoming bully. Dr. Mandl feels you're modeling your actions on the wrong people. - ally? Like who? - you know who. That gangster. You of all people should know not to believe what you read in the paper. All that crap they wrote about daddy. That was "the wall street journal." it was entirely different. It's never enough, is it? My whole time at m.I.t., you told me to get out and make friends. Now I finally do learn to assert myself a little, suddenly that's a negative. Checking in... Spears. - sil. - I'll
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