Cabinet. Duh. If I see Chrissy, I'll tell him you were looking for him. Now listen to me, you two heels. I mean business. I got too much at stake down here. You got somthing that belongs to me. If you wanna get out of here alive, you better give it back. Now I'm no blowhard. Tell him. He's no blowhard. He's had people killed before. - About six years ago, there was this guy-- - shut up! You ain't gonna be telling nobody nothing pretty soon. This is the image of me he leaves to the world. I remember when he was born, I would hold him in my arms. He was an adorable kid, too. Big eyes. You always talk about him More like a son. In some ways he was, Especially after his dad died. When he was little, I used to give him rides. I'd put him in the basket of the butcher bike, Pedal him around, Back when Satriale's made deliveries. I reminded him of that recently. - He didn't remember. - But you do. We had fun. All those memories, and for what? All I am to him is some asshole bully. You're hurt. His dad Dickie was Like my me to him. A mentor. Yeah, but more than that, A friend, A fucking guy you could look up to. And the hope is that you pass that shit down, The respect and the love. And all I did for this fucking kid And he fucking hates me so much. I'm sure on some level he loves you, too. Yeah? Take that home. Judge for yourself. Last five minutes should answer that question. I'm not going to do that. - Not a horror fan? - It's what you think that matters. I think he fucking despises me. It's pretty obvious. Wants to see me dead. Without invalidating your feelings, Is it possible that on some level You're reading into all this? I'Ve been coming here for years. I know too much about the subconscious now. Look, sweetie, They're nice and clean like you like them. Mommy, he can't really hear you. They're right here by the bed. - Johnny: my... - what, baby, your what? Want more morphine, daddy? Mo-- mother. Grandma? What, daddy? Is he hallucinating? Allegra: I don't know. He could be. Sometimes they see people who've passed. John, look at me, baby. You want a cigarette, baby? John? You can't do that when you're on my fucking team? Hey, Ton', Anthony Infante to see you Send him in. There he is. X-ray specs. - How's John? - That's why I'm here, Tony. John passed away late this morning. Oh, fuck, you're kidding me. I only wish. He was a great guy, John. Sorry for your loss. Thanks. Honestly, though, it was for the best. What are you gonna do? "I beat cancer, but it took him out." "Ride the painted pony. Let the spinning wheel fly." Huh? John Sacrimoni, a buon' anima. All: a buon' anima. Phil: we're here to celebrate what would have been my brother's-- Your uncle's-- 47th birthday. - Blow it out for him. - ( Blowing ) ( Cheering ) Right here at this bar, this seat Was uncle Billy's favorite place in the whole world. More than Shea stadium? More than Shea stadium. He'd sit with his friends and tell stories about his family, Who he loved more than anything and was so very proud of. From now on, his ashes will be right here So when his friends come to visit, he can see them. - Can he see us now? - Patty: yeah. - Who knows who is Leonardo Da Vinci? - I do. - Matty. - Yeah, he wrote "The Da Vinci Code." Another man wrote that, but it's a hideous sacrilegious book. - Annabella. - He was a painter, Of the "Mona Lisa." Very good. He was not only a painter, he did medical drawings, - And he designed a tank for the army. - Boy: wow. Leonardo was a great italian, And that was our name originally, Leonardo. But many years ago, when my grandpa came over from Sicily, They changed it at Ellis Island to Leotardo. What did they do that for? Because they're stupid, that's why, and jealous. They disrespected a proud italian heritage And named us after a ballet costume. - Marissa. -
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