Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public. The ancient Egyptians postulated seven souls. The top soul and the first to leave at the moment of death is Ren: The Secret Name. This corresponds to my Director. He directs the film of your life from conception to death. "The Secret Name" is the title of your film. When you die, that's where Ren came in. Second soul and second one off the sinking ship is Sekem: Energy, Power, Light. The Director gives the orders, Sekem presses the right buttons. Number three is Khu: The Guardian Angel. He, she or it is third man out. Number four is Ba: The Heart... often treacherous. Number five is Ka: The Double. The Ka, which usually reaches adolescence at the time of bodily death, is the only reliable guide through the Land of the Dead. Who's gonna live here? A family. I'll have it finished by October. - I'm worried, Ade. - Everybody's worried. No. I am worried all the time. Number six is Khaibit: The Shadow, Memory, your whole past conditioning from this and other lives. Number seven is Sekhu: The Remains. I'm halfway to China. There's nothing here. 40,000 I had... my share of the Bohack's haul from the '70s. Did you wrap it right? It gets moldy... it could've disintegrated. - Wrap what? - The money. He knows I need that money for my fucking retrial! - Who? - You know who. No, I don't know who. That's why I asked you. - Malanga. - Will you stop with that? Pussy Malanga's dead six years now. I should dig him up already! Moles. They chewing through your sprinklers too? 40,000 I had... my share of the Bohack's haul from the '70s. We'll look later. You're gonna be late for your doctor's. Come on. Hello? Let me ask you something: Is your time more valuable than mine? Where's the baby? Sorry, Ton'. The car seat, the other stuff... packin' it in there takes forever. You probably remember that. No, I don't. I didn't do that crap. How are you feeling, Uncle Jun', huh? He's late enough, Janice. Come on. A hello to your niece, maybe? Hi, sweetie. How are you? Help him get ready, will you? - Yeah. - Come on, Jun'. So? How's he doing? He's Knucklehead Smith, that's how he's doing. He's paranoid. He doesn't remember whether he ate or not. The man is not competent, Tony. - Not again, come on! - He has the money for assisted living. He's got legal bills up the ass. He can sell this museum and move to Green Grove. Fuck assisted living, okay? Remember what they did to Ma? - She was thriving there, Tony. - He stays where he is, Janice. He's our uncle. It's the least we can do. So the split, your friend in Jersey says it should be the same as the old business we do over there. That's public works, this isn't. - I'll hold the line. - Don't turn it into World War III. So day to day, how are you getting along with Tony? You asked me to bury the hatchet, John. I'm doing it out of respect to you. Am I still grieving over my brother Bill? Lt'll never go away. I appreciate it, Phil. - With me in here... - I hear you, John. Your bride... she's a rock for you, kid. Her brother's fitting me for contacts. When the trial starts, I don't wanna be reading documents in the courtroom with glasses. It looks weak. Yes? - Hey, Ton'. - Hey. My sports book down in Roseville, Bacala's still making things unpleasant. - God damn it. - Listen, Tony, I got you something. For you, Carm, the kids... David Yurman watches. 18-karat gold, diamond center. Why do I get the feelin' there's a jeweler somewhere filin' an insurance claim today? Actually, that ain't what it is. - My Aunt Edie died. - No? That one that moved to California back in the '60s? She was a great lady, the only person in my life who ever made me feel special. What are you gonna do? Anyway, the silver cloud is she did pretty well. She was married to Victor Borge's
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