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Киборг 2

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there, they had
the staff that acted like Dunn
was Geppetto.
And by the end all we have created
is a bunch of perverted Pinnochios.
Until they created you.
When I first started
having feelings,
I mean a genuine attraction to you,
I got really scared.
Because they were playing God
better than ever
and I was buying into it.
I mean I knew
what kind of treachery
Pinwheel was capable of,
and I was more afraid for you
than for myself.
-Any regrets?
Except one.
We're not going to live our lives
together and die together.
Today might be that day, punk.
I'll be damned
if ain't sween Raven Chen.
Long time no see, Danny.
I heard a cyborg
almost did you in.
Oh, yes.
She gave me a run for it,
all right.
Seems that
our darling little Velma
had a fondness
for battery acid.
Gave me a full face-splash.
The beautiful bitch.
The tapping game isn't
what it used to be.
Maybe iќs time you checked out.
Jesus Christ!
Look what you've done!
Look, Cash,
we don't have time for this.
We've got to keep moving.
Ah, "the nuclear family".
An appropriate name.
You were right.
He's of very little use to me.
Where are you?
So tell me, whaќs worse?
Cyborg envy or human envy?
Penis envy?
I like your style, gorgeous.
Hey, puppy. You lost?
Who cares?
How much time we have left?
Wait a minute, he's synthetic.
Mercy must have sent him.
" Benji the cyborg".
Leќs follow the dog.
This must be it.
Oh, yeah. This sounds like
a wonderful place.
Yes, may I help you?
Yes, you can let us in.
Do you have a reservation?
-Mercy sent us.
-I'll check with the management.
Excuse me for a moment.
Welcome to Towndown.
Your entrance has been approved.
We're looking for Mercy.
Nobody finds Mercy.
Mercy will find you.
Towndown's a shipyard?
More like a graveyard.
This is pre-war shit.
All obsolete. When enough
fools and freaks moved in,
they called it a town.
-You need one thing to live here.
-Whaќs that?
Basic human survival instinct.
The man says to approach.
He can see us?
In these parts, if you don't see
it coming, iќs probably too late.
I wish you luck.
Cover it up, boys!
So where to, Benji?
Whaќs next?
You're late.
Yeah, ran into some shit.
And iќs getting thicker.
What do you mean?
The ship I paid my last dollar for
just burned to the ground.
I'd say someone
doesn't want you to leave.
-What other options do we have?
-Only one.
Rent another boat.
Great. How are we
supposed to do that?
Ever hear of the Blade?
Snuff combat
under a stern propeller
of a dry-docked ship.
Big attraction here.
Two go under, one comes out.
Fast, brutal
and highly illegal.
And you're a contender.
Forget it!
I'm not putting my ass through a
blender so you can place some bets!
Easy, Colt 45.
Remember the difference between
champ and chump is U.
The Blade's your ticket
to the Mombasa shuffle.
-The ticket to where?
The only free-zone on earth
for unlicensed cyborgs.
The purse will rent you
a black market boat for the trip.
And it leaves tonight.
With you...
or without you.
Hey, Marty, my love.
Four hours and counting, Bench.
Where in hell are you?
I'm due west riding right by
a beautiful magical harbor view.
Not unlike our late
lovely Velma, huh?
The harbor zone has a well developed
criminal network.
However the similarity
is circumstantial at best.
Yeah, well, silly me. I just have
a little trouble believing that.
So you listen to me.
I'm going to outline
our new terms of agreement.
Total termination for a 50 percent
increase in fees.
Out of the question.
The woman is too valuable
and the man is
Киборг 2 Киборг 2

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- текст Ишь ты, масленица! на английском

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