this area and leќs get out of here, okay? We can get out to the bottom. Under the floorboard there's another hatch. But watch out for the half a mile drop. Swing me! -What a stench! -I just shut my smell sensors off. Okay, now whaќs next? We wait for our ride up. You're kidding me, right? We're going to hitchhike a ride on a trash container from hell? Logic tells us we have no other choice. I'll attach us. You just ride it out. Yeah, thaќs easy for you to say. -You all right? -Like I was dragged through a hole. -Get this thing off me! -Leќs go. I've got to quit smoking. -You know the city? -Haven't been topside for a while. About 8 years, I think. -What are you doing? -A little interface. Not bad for a first time break. How do you do that? Black magic. Now I have to make you disappear. All right, you better do it quick, because I'm a felon now, okay? Grand theft robot. I don't need to get busted for possession of an unlicensed cyborg. Colt! What? -Colt! -What? What is it? -What? -I've been activated. Whaќs going on? I was afraid of this. Afraid of what? You better give me some answers, hotlips! Come on! They wired a recall code to her tracking system. The detonator self-activates if she gets too far from the plant. They don't want anyone to find out she's carrying the Glass Shadow. Help me! Iќs okay. Iќs okay. Stay calm, Cash. The pattern recall voice will probably switch off any second. Think straight. What does the clock read? Eight hours fifty-seven and three. You got time. How much time? About nine hours. The signal is just playing hockey with your feedback control. Iќs trying to disorient you so you can't form an escape strategy. Come here, come here. You're safe. You're safe. Iќs cool. Remember, you're throwing out a hell of a signal. You won't be clear of danger until you've been defused. Okay, whaќs the plan? Get some wheels. Some wheels? Hope I remember how to drive. She can if you can't. No problem. Yeah, I'll drive. -No problem. -I'll drive. Go to 1830 North Perot Street. Iќs in the warehouse district downtown and wait for Wild Card. If you miss him, head straight for the old city muzeum in the South Sector. I'll find you. Hey, who the hell are you? Oh, I almost forgot. The name's Mercy. Ready when you are, Chen! You screwed up, letting our princess out of her tower. Whaќs our plan now, Dunn? She's not the problem. Iќs the human, Colt. The best laid plan... Just shut up and listen. Get topside and intercept Cash. Disconnect the Pinwheel detonator and install one of your own. Make sure iќs undetectable. After you kill Colt we're back in business. And what about Pinwheel? They'll definitely want her back. Don't worry about Pinwheel. When the time is right I'll destroy Cash, Pinwheel and Kobayashi all at the same time. Remind me never to piss you off. Who says you haven't already? Sending Pinwheel Security to locate her is out of the question. Why? Our tracking system will alert the hackers and tappers topside and they'll tear her to pieces just for the parts. That sort of garage sale must be avoided at all costs. She won't respond to the activation warning? After the 40 minute point there, the odds decrease some eleven percent on the hour. Apparently, whatever emotion drove her to escape may override her sense of self-preservation. You mean she'd rather self-destruct than surrender? Check. The boys in programming call it a "freedom-cathexis aberration". Put simply, she's the first cyborg to escape by ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Искушение Б. на английском - текст Терминатор на английском - текст Украинская рапсодия на английском - текст Строгий юноша на английском - текст Идущий в огне на английском |