Come on. I'll take you, but not today. After the war. It's okay now. We'll listen to it after supper. I'll get you a knife just like it. I'll get one tomorrow. By all means. Where're his parents? - Whose? - Ivan's. I don't know. They say his mother and sister were killed. His dad was a border guard. I guess he was killed in action. Really? He's been through more than you can imagine. He was a partisan, too. He knocked about the world. What'll become of him? The colonel or Katasonych will adopt him when the war's over. Why them and not you? I would, but the colonel says I need some upbringing myself. Katasonych! He's really good at stealing boats. He'll never take a bad one. Tell us, Galtsev, how many owners have you ripped off? - Which one? - Take this one. - No. - What do you mean, no? He should be sent to the rear. A war is no place for children. Stop it, will you? You see, Lieutenant, if we don't take him across, he'll go on his own. All he can think of... is vengeance. Don't waste your breath explaining. They can't see here beyond their nose. Didn't you say you wanted to adopt him, and now... What's the matter with you? Get lost! We'll manage without you. That's not the way to do it. - All right, Kholin. - Don't Kholin me! The colonel is right. You do need upbringing. Watch out, or I'll report you to the commander. Well... keep cool. That's the main thing. Slowly... carefully. And remember, we have to get him alive. Got it? THERE ARE 8 OF US. ALL UNDER 19. IN AN HOUR FROM NOW THEY'LL SHOOT US. AVENGE US. Hurrah! Surround the building! Don't let him out! Hands up! Come out! So you're hiding! You can't hide from me! Are you shaking? You'll answer for everything! I'II... D'you think I've forgotten? I'll put you on trial! I'II... I'II... Want some tea, Comrade Captain. Damn! It was our best boat! You're lucky to be alive. Forget the boat. Faster! Hurry! Can you hurry up? Ivan! Don't be afraid. It'll be over soon. What is it, Ivan? I'm not afraid. I hear you were a partisan. - Why'd you leave them? - We were surrounded in the woods. They sent me out by plane to a boarding school. But I ran away. They're just wasting food there. Memorizing names of reptiles. Yeah, that's not for you. You ought to go to a military school. Did Kholin make you say so? Why Kholin? He's not the only one with brains. I think so, too. You've done your fighting. Rest up, go back to school. Whoever's of use doesn't rest up in wartime. Right. But war isn't for boys. Not for boys? Have you been to Trostyanets? - Where? - That's a death camp. Why are you teaching me? What do you know? You're all together in it. Smoking again? Go on, smoke. It'll turn you lungs green. So what? Nobody can see them. - I don't want you to smoke. - Okay, I won't. We'll start out in an hour and a half. Let's have supper. - Where's Katasonych? - He was summoned to HQ. Why didn't he stop by to wish me good luck? He couldn't. It was an emergency. Why'd they summon him? They know how badly we need him. And they summoned him all the same. A fine friend! He could've stopped by. Will it be just the two of us? The three of us. He'll go, too. Stop grinning. And don't stare at me. You volunteered, didn't you? Are you frightened now? No, I'm not. It's sort of unexpected. Unexpected... Everything in life is. - May I come in? - Yes. What's up? We billeted the new men, Lieutenant. - Where? - In Companies Two and Three. - Very well. You may go. - Yes, sir. I wouldn't take you, but it's an emergency. Make up your mind. No complaints afterwards. What d'you think I am? All right. Who'll you leave in command? I think, Guschin, of Company 5. If they learn you crossed the river without permission... we'll be in trouble. Although it won't take more than two or three hours. AVENGE US Wake up, Ivan! Do you hear? It's time. Katasonych didn ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Девушка и борода на английском - текст Кин-Дза-Дза на английском - текст Стальной рассвет на английском - текст Шиза на английском - текст Том Джонс на английском |