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Главная / Иван Васильевич меняет профессию

Иван Васильевич меняет профессию

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It's deIirium tremens.
A typicaI case.
What's the patient's reaI name?
- Bunsha, Ivan VassiIyevich.
- You're Iying, witch!
I hate him!
Get ready!
Take the impostors aIive!
BIack caviar!
Red caviar!
And from overseas, eggpIant caviar!
Comrade Timofeyev! AIexander
Sergeyevich! HeIp me!
Ivan VassiIyevich, hurry up!
- are You aII right?
- AII right. You'II never beIieve it!
The poIice wiII beIieve it! You wiII
answer for your anti-sociaI experiments!
Just a minute!
Why do you have poIice at your door,
comrade scientist?
There was a burgIary at your friend
Shpak's today.
- We detained One more.
- No, not detained!
Not detained. I was on my way
to make a voIuntary confession.
I'm deIighted to hand myseIf in to my
dear poIice. I set on it aII my hopes.
- Who are you?
- Bunsha, Ivan VassiIyevich.
So you insist that you're Ivan
VassiIyevich Bunsha?
Your ID, pIease.
- I forgot it at home.
- Who can corroborate your statement?
WeII, anybody! You may ask my wife,
UIyana. She wiII confirm it.
WeII, weII, weII.
What did you want to make
a voIuntary confession about?
I confess that against my wiII, under
the compuIsion of Prince MiIosIavsky,
I acted temporariIy as a tsar.
A tsar?
You are a tsar, too?
Yes, a tsar.
Ivan VassiIyevich the TerribIe.
You're Iying, dog!
I am the tsar!
Everything I've got by working
tireIessIy, everything is gone!
Three tape recorders,
three imported movie cameras,
three home-made cigarette cases,
a suede jacket... Three jackets!
And they want to be awarded the titIe
of a house of cuItured communaI Iiving!
UIyana Andreyevna, teII us again
who he is.
I've aIready toId you!
My husband, Ivan VassiIyevich Bunsha.
- They'II cure you, aIcohoIic.
- Fine! Then who is this?
- Impostor!
- You're an impostor yourseIf! Got it?
- So, who is he?
-My husband! Ivan VassiIyevich Bunsha.
They wiII cure you, too.
- It turns out you've got 2 husbands?
- So it turns out.
And they're both Bunshas?
Yes, both ofthem.
You'II be cured.
And you'II be cured.
And I'II be cured, too.
What you toId me is grandiose!
You're such a vaIuabIe eyewitness!
If I were you,
I'd put a dissertation in the can.
I ain't in no hurry.
I can end up in the can any time.
Is that it? Is that you?
I couIdn't hope for anything more.
UIyana Andreyevna,
I was faithfuI to you.
The tsarina tried to seduce me,
but I didn't give in. I swear!
- MiIosIavsky was aImost in our hands!
- George MiIosIavsky?
- Yes! Arrest him!
- Right.
HoId on! Get him!
Catch MiIosIavsky!
I was absoIuteIy sure
that I had sent you back.
Hurry up, Prince.
Get your machine working.
- Where have You been aII this time?
-The poIice bagged me. Framing me up.
They're after me, Prince!
Hurry up! Hurry! Oh, my God!
Run, Ivan VassiIyevich!
- Hurry, Ivan VassiIyevich!
- Yes, I'm coming!
Oh, God, forgive me my sins!
EviI spirit!
- FareweII, Prince!
- Good Iuck! Don't think iII of me.
- It's outrageous!
- You put out eIectricity again!
- He's taunting us!
- We're going to compIain!
Oh, you're aIready out ofthe asyIum?
- Stop your hooIiganism!
- What's the matter?
That's scandaIous!
He's wearing gIasses just for nothing!
You'II be brought to court for that!
We send them to coIIege,
and in return we're going baId!
What was it?
Was itjust a dream, or was it reaI?
Ivan the TerribIe... MiIosIavsky...
Oh, I forgot. Zina has Ieft me.
No, it's aII nonsense!
I was just knocked out!
And what if it's not nonsense?
My goodness!
What is going on here?
You smoked again!
And, of course, you didn't eat
your Iunch.
- You haven't Ieft for Gagry?
- What do you mean, Gagry?
You're going crazy
with your machine!
Oh, how did you get yourseIf
such a bump?
Zina, teII me the truth.
- Where have You been?
- At a rehearsaI.
AII right...
Give me a straight answer.
Are you in Iove with Yakin?
- What Yakin? What is it with You?
- Don't Iie to
Иван Васильевич меняет профессию Иван Васильевич меняет профессию

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