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Иван Васильевич меняет профессию

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you to fiIe an appIication.
Do it, or we'II fiIe a compIaint.
Wait. Wait! There's nothing
suspicious about my apparatus.
I simpIy invented
a time machine.
In other words, I can run through
space and go back to the past.
- Go back to the past?
- Yes, to the past.
These experiments, AIexander,
can be done onIy by permission
ofthe appropriate authorities.
Wait, Ivan VassiIyevich.
This apparatus can be very usefuI.
Let me expIain.
That's it!
And now we're going to test
the time machine.
You're witnessing
a historic event.
First, we'II try a cIose distance.
we're going to run through space.
- Did You see it?
- What?
- You see?
- What is it?
What happened?
AIexander Sergeyevich,
where is the waII?
What is it? What's going on?
There was a waII here!
Timofeyev, you wiII answer for it
in court. Inventing such a machine!
Go to heII
with your waII!
- HaIf a fIat has vanished.
- No big deaI.
What do you mean, no big deaI?
I've seen some technicaI wonders,
but nothing Iike that.
- Excuse me, and who are you?
- Are you asking who I am?
- I'm a friend ofAnton Shpak.
- And what are you doing in his fIat?
What am I doing?
I'm waiting for my friend.
And how did you get into his fIat
if he's not here?
Oh, go to heII!
What kind of questions are those?
Never mind. I've gone through time.
I've made it!
TeII me, can you Iift
any waII Iike that?
A waII?!
Your invention is invaIuabIe.
- CongratuIations.
- Thank you.
Why are you staring at me? There're
no pictures, nor fIowers growing on me.
You're wearing the same imported
suede jacket as Shpak does.
Ajacket? A suede jacket?
Is Shpak the onIy one in Moscow
who has a suede jacket?
What is your name?
I'm an artiste of aII big and smaII
academic theatres.
And my name is too famous
to pronounce it.
Do you want to get back to Shpak's
room? I can open the waII for you.
I'd better take a Iook at your
- I Iike it.
- I'm very gIad!
You're my first witness.
It's my first time
being a witness.
Why are you staring? You're going to
rub a hoIe through me with your eyes.
Do you reaIize
what you have just seen?
You bet! But teII me...
Can you Iift a waII Iike that
in a store?
- My, what a usefuI invention!
- You came to Shapk's with a recorder?
Forget the waII.
The most important thing is that
through waIIs I can pierce space.
I can enter time.
I can go 200, 300 years back!
You have ignored my question
about the tape recorder.
Darn you!
What a machine! A breakthrough in
science and technoIogy! Darn you again!
I can't wait!
Let's go back into the past
and see the ancient Moscow!
What are you saying, Timofeyev?
Before seeing the ancient Moscow,
get a permission from the authorities!
Just a minute!
Ifyou mess again with the academic's
tests and stop technoIogicaI progress...
- I'm going to...
- CaIm down! CaIm down! I got it.
Do it.
- I'm so nervous.
- Don't chicken! I'm here!
...to the heavenIy abode...
...to the Reverend Father Superior,
the Tsar and Grand Duke of aII Russia...
Of aII Russia...
is bowing Iow.
Go on writing.
That's Ivan the TerribIe!
You're kidding!
Mamma mia!
The demons!
The demons!
The demons!
Stay away!
Woe is me, the sinner!
Woe is me, cursed murderer!
The eviI spirit!
- Wait! Where are you going? Wait!
- Go away, vanish, eviI spirit!
- Who are You caIIing?
- The poIice.
- Put down the phone.
- What? What do you mean?
- The phone! Put down the phone!
- Why? I won't!
Put down the phone, I say!
- Easy! Easy!
- I'II crush you, big hat!
Where are the demons?
Get them!
Wait! Wait!
They've bricked me up!
They've bricked me up, the demons!
That's what the Iife-giving cross
can do!
And where's the tsar?
You shouIdn't drink so much.
Where are they?
Hurry! Move it!
Why are they yeIIing?
They cannot yeII.
They're aII dead.
See how those dead can shoot?
- Open up, dog!
- Whom is he addressing?
- You.
Иван Васильевич меняет профессию Иван Васильевич меняет профессию

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- текст Заваруха в городе на английском
- текст Убийство на английском
- текст Элвин и бурундуки на английском
- текст Симаррон на английском
- текст Хищник на английском

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