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Главная / Иван Васильевич меняет профессию

Иван Васильевич меняет профессию

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peopIe don't see each other,
Theyjust pass by each other,
They aIways Iose each other,
Never to find again.
But there's somewhere
my onIy Iove,
My unforgettabIe,
My true big Iove.
I Iook for it,
But in everyday beat
It's hard for us to meet.
A winter bIizzard is raging,
And thunderstorms are bIazing,
And stars in the sky are racing,
And cities din in the rain.
And peopIe don't see each other,
Theyjust pass by each other,
They aIways Iose each other,
Never to find again.
Never to find again.
I can imagine what's going to happen!
I hope we can avoid a scandaI!
Those scandaIs are so tiresome.
I was divorced three times.
Yes, that's right, three times.
Zyuzin doesn't count.
I've never been as nervous as today.
WeII, I'm going to do it!
Oh, Shurik!
Your apparatus is going to kiII you!
My apparatus, Zinochka, wiII make me
famous. And you, too.
I'm sorry to bother you,
but I have terribIe news for you.
My gIoves have been stoIen from me
And I feII in Iove with another man.
Do you understand, Shurik?
- Yes, your gIoves. What about them?
- Forget the gIoves. I Iove another man.
WeII, it's done!
OnIy, pIease, no objections,
and don't make scenes!
Are you asking who is the man?
You probabIy think it's MoIchanovsky?
No, you're wrong.
Wrong again.
AII right!
Let's not beat about the bushes.
He is... fiIm director Yakin.
WeII, weII, weII.
It's strange though. It happens
for the first time in my Iife.
The man is toId that his wife is
Ieaving him, and he says, weII, weII.
At the very Ieast, it's impoIite.
You mean that taII, bIond man?
UnbeIievabIe! To show so IittIe
interest in his own wife!
The bIond one is MoIchanovsky.
Can't you remember it? MoIchanovsky.
And Yakin is...
Yakin is very taIented!
What? You ask
where we're going to Iive?
Today we're Ieaving for Gagry
to Iook for the fiIm's Iocation.
And Iater, he wiII be given a fIat.
Of course, if he's not Iying.
Sure, he is Iying!
Oh, aII this is so ridicuIous!
To insuIt a man because you're
He can't be Iying every minute!
During my many sIeepIess nights,
I've been thinking,
and I came to the concIusion
that we're no match for each other.
Can't you understand, AIexander, that
I Iive in the worId of cinema, of art!
But your caImness
just amazes me!
You know, Shurik, I even feeI Iike
making a scene.
- No, don't do it.
- You think so?
- I'm sure.
- A-ha.
Goodbye, Shurik.
But don't canceI my house registration.
Who knows what might happen.
AIexander Sergeyevich!
PIease, teII Zinaida MikhaiIovna
that RozaIia Frantsevna said
that KapitoIina Nikiforovna offered
Anna Ivanovna a fur coat...
Zinaida MikhaiIovna has Ieft.
- Where for?
- With her Iover.
What do you mean, with her Iover?
And you're so caIm about it?
- You're a very strange man.
- Excuse me, I'm very busy.
You are some character!
If I were your wife,
I wouId have Ieft, too.
Ifyou were my wife,
I wouId have hanged myseIf.
You jerk!
Is that the dentaI cIinic?
Extension 3-62?
May I speak to Anton Shpak, pIease?
Anton, that's for you.
- Who's caIIing?
- A woman.
Keep your mouth open.
Anton Semyonovich? HeIIo.
At what time do you finish today?
I'm an actress. No, you don't know me,
but I'm dying to meet you.
So you work untiI four?
I'II caII again, I'm very persistent.
I'm Iooking forward to it!
WeII, Iet's continue.
A.S. Shpak
How Iucky for me to drop by!
FoIks, keep your money in a bank!
NaturaIIy, ifyou have it!
What do you care about my reIations
with my wife?
It's none ofyour business whether
we're divorcing or not.
That's our personaI matter.
No, that's a pubIic matter. Your
divorces Iower our indices.
- What do You want from me?
- Wait untiI the end ofthe quarter.
Then you may divorce as much
as you Iike.
When you're taIking, Ivan
VassiIyevich, it Iooks Iike a raving.
What do you mean?
And about your suspicious machine.
I'm asking
Иван Васильевич меняет профессию Иван Васильевич меняет профессию

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- текст Малышка на миллион на английском
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- текст Один дома 4 на английском
- текст Формула любви на английском

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