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in there!
Put it away.
- Let's get outta here. We're dirty in here.
- Relax. We're in here already.
We'll look around. If we find anything,
then we'll phone down for a warrant.
Jesus Christ!
Look at this place.
I told you. He does special effects.
Oh, wow. I Dismember Mama.
You mean you paid good money
to look at this crap?
What kind of a guy
dreams this shit up, Mickey?
I mean, maybe this Tyler went nuts.
Look at how he lives.
Hey, I've seen your apartment, Leo.
Maybe Mr Tyler got tired of make-believe.
Decided it was time to try the real thing.
I can't tell these from the real thing.
Hey, Mickey.
You remember the medical examiner's
report on the De Franco hit?
Yeah. Six shots from a pistol.
Five to the chest, one to the head.
- What the hell...?
- If only it could talk, huh?
You're not sayin' Tyler killed Ellen Keith,
Adams and De Franco all in one night?
I don't believe it either.
I believe you.
I can't put the pieces together.
First I'm hired to do a pretend murder.
Then it's a real murder.
And then the people that hire me
try to murder me.
It doesn't make sense.
And then I bring you into it.
I must be out of my mind.
Now we've got to think what to do.
We've got to come up with something.
We can't stay here for ever.
Rollie, let's do something.
Good morning, Velez.
Whatcha got?
I called a guy at FBI Central.
He told me your friend Adams,
after he left NYPD,
he joined the Justice Department.
Morning, Marisa.
Justice Department.
So that's what was N/A.
And classified, and top secret,
and Christ knows what else.
So... how did you get this guy
at the FBI to help you out?
I told him I was going to Jamaica for
my vacation and needed some company.
Justice Department? That was it?
No division? No phone number?
No address?
That's all he said.
Hey, Velez!
Could you get me a breakdown of Justice
Department agencies on this thing?
- Sure.
- Thank you.
Antitrust... Attorney General...
- What are you looking for?
- How the hell do I know?
District Attorney,
lmmigration, Naturalization,
Interstate Traffic, Theft, WPR.
What's WPR?
Come home to Jamaica.
And have a helluva time!
Thanks a lot, Velez.
Please hold.
Colonel Mason, these men
have been waiting for you.
- Mr Mason.
- Yes.
I'm Lieutenant McCarthy, NYPD.
This is my assistant, Detective Gaglione.
How do you do?
May we have a few minutes of your time?
Sure. Follow along.
Tell me what I can do for you.
Well... Do you know a William J Adams?
Should I know a William J Adams?
Joyce, will you hold my calls?
Well, he works for you.
253 people work for me.
- Siddown.
- Thanks.
Check the files for an Adams.
William J.
Now, sir, what's your interest in this fella?
He was found murdered this morning.
Well! Boy, that's terrible.
Have you any idea who did it?
- Well, yeah. We found a guy...
- No.
Yes, no.
Thank you.
Yes and no. Let's see.
No wonder I didn't recognise the name.
Adams was what we refer to as a floater.
A floater is what we call a body
we pull out of the East River.
Well, in our parlance
a floater is a freelancer.
An agent with no direct duties.
We used him for witness relocation
from time to time.
Last time was way back in June of '83.
And then...
After that, there's no
mention of him except this.
A below-standard evaluation
on his last assignment.
My bet is that he didn't work out
and we just discontinued using him.
Anything else? Any request
for references? Addresses?
Just a notation here
that correspondence sent to him
was returned with no forwarding address.
I am sorry that I can't be of more help.
We appreciate your cooperation.
It's nothing. I just hope that
you find whoever killed him.
Oh, we'll get 'em.
Martin, would you come in here, please?
So? What do they know?
So far they don't know a damn thing.
But for how long?
That goddamn Tyler could sink us.
We're gettin' outta
Иллюзия убийства Иллюзия убийства

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