what happens to jinnis when they become mortals? - What? Did you forget it? I'll remind you. When they die, they come back into their can. Never, never will you be free. Soon I will have all jinnis together. Then there will be the global apocalypse. Fly to the roof! They've put Hottabych in the can again! Check the cupboard. Maybe there are some more of them in there. - Bring Hottabych back. - How? - Do you remember what he told you about the genetic code? - If at least something was left... - At least one cell, or a hair. - Gena. I still don't know. What do you have to do with it so a miracle happens? So, again. We take the genetic code of Hottabych, transform it into binary, find patterns and integrate them into a software shell. - Everything is very easy. - And you call that easy? To get the information from the DNA, you need money. - Look here, you never saw so much money in your whole life. - That you call much? Let's get some pocket money out of this. I know what we do. Here, credit card numbers. We'll steal from some Americans. Wait, we don't have to steal from anybody. Here. Do you know how much this will cost? - Do you want to export antique things? - It is of no value. Understood. Do you know what this is? -What? This is papyrus, you see? It was used in ancient Egypt instead of paper. And, of course, nobody remembers their appearance. Why should we have to remember them? Look yourself. Hey! Don't be distracted! Would you like to drink something? Coffee or tea? - You will never marry, never! - What? Tea without sugar, please. jinnis, appear and fulfill my wishes! Numbers over numbers... No luck. It doesn't work. - Computer crashed. - Daddy? Mummy? You made it! The 13th. Come out at once! And? Who is the old idiot and who is screwed up? - Only you can get him now. - You are right, shadow. And stay there forever. *
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