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Главная / Хорнблауэр: Возмездие

Хорнблауэр: Возмездие

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Must have been a job persuading them back.
- Yes, sir.
BUSH: You can understand their reluctance.
Quite. Hot shot!
- May I?
- Of course, sir.
Run her out!
Mr Kennedy?
(Laughs) A hit! A hit! A palpable hit!
Run it out again, sir.
Congratulations, sir.
Beginner's luck. No doubt.
Stand clear!
What was that? Another hit?
No. Better than that.
It's the Renown, sir!
What an ingenious plan, Mr Hornblower,
attacking the fort via an underground route.
Highly original.
Thank you, sir.
Whilst leaving Mr Bush and the rest
to fend for themselves.
Placing their lives in jeopardy.
But the end result was a triumph.
Would you not agree, Captain Hammond?
And then to hoist the Spaniards
with their own petard - a double triumph.
Ah, yes. The hot shot.
Nearly a disaster here, I fear, were
it not for Mr Bush's sharp intervention.
I am indeed indebted to Mr Bush.
Foolhardy actions. Rash judgments.
Irresponsible adventures.
Is this to be the measure of your career?
Come,now. That is the blackest
interpretation of these events
I can imagine.
Quite. Others might well be praising
Mr Hornblower for his ingenuity.
I only endeavour to do my duty, sir.
Well, I think we shall be the judge of that,
Mr Hornblower.
(Church bell tolls)
Well, Commodore, I think our course is set.
And one young officer
condemned already,
if we are to follow Captain Hammond's
Yes. Pity.
I had heard young Hornblower
was one to watch.
He served with you, did he not?
He was one of the finest.
One of the very best.
I can see how this would make you feel...
I've never felt less comfortable
in my entire life, sir.
But I will not hang out of hand
a man so dear to me as my...
..as one of my very own.
You have a duty to the law, Commodore.
Yes. I have not forgotten it, sir.
But I will not rush to judge any man
because the admirals want to
sleep peacefully in their beds.
I will weigh the facts carefully,
as we all will, I trust.
You doubt it?
Just asking for a fair trial, sir.
And your man will have it.
I only hope you're not surprised by
what you find.
As do I.
I take it the fort is ours.
- Well done, gentlemen.
- Thank you, sir.
Spanish boat approaching
under flag of truce.
It may be the Spanish
commanding officer, sir.
I have arrived just in time to greet him.
I dare say you heard about our own
little spot of bother aboard the Renown?
Yes, sir. We heard.
I hope it didn 't put you off your
stride in any way.
No, sir.
Free army. Local peasant banditry.
- I doubt if they'll be back in a hurry.
- I hope not, sir.
Colonel Francisco Manuel Ortega
of the Royal Engineers
of His Most Catholic Majesty Carlos lV.
Captain Buckland of
His Majesty's ship Renown.
You wish to give up the entire island?
I know a stalemate when I see one, Captain.
Besides, I want to see the women and
children safe, including my own wife.
You have nothing to fear there.
There is space aboard our ships
to carry my people off.
We will evacuate the island
and sail with the first tide.
And if we refuse?
The consequences are on your head, sir.
Very well.
I expect you'll hear from us
within the hour.
Thank you, Mr Hornblower.
It was you who led the attack
through the tunnel?
Yes, sir.
A bold stroke, Mr Hornblower.
You must watch this man, Captain Buckland.
I do.
All right.
Within the hour, Colonel.
As you wish.
With respect, sir,
I think we're selling ourselves short.
What do you have in mind?
Make off with their women?
I suggest we demand
an unconditional surrender.
Why on earth would he want to do that?
I don 't see they have much choice.
The fort is ours already.
Look, Mr Hornblower,
may I remind you
of an old and trusted adage?
Tell him, Mr Bush.
Never look a giff horse
in the mouth.
The island, sir, in British hands.
If the island means so much to him,
why is the colonel so keen to quit
Хорнблауэр: Возмездие Хорнблауэр: Возмездие

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