want me to wake him, sir? He hasn't slept for days. Let him have a little longer. I don't envy his position. He's the one that would have to assume command. I bet the responsibility weighs heavy. Why don't you get some sleep, Mr. Kennedy? I'll stand watch for you. Thank-you, Mr. Bush, -but I will share the watch with you. -Very well. Two days' sail from Santo Domingo. Not long to whip this crew into fighting shape. No, Mr. Bush, but I am sure the task will not prove beyond us. -How did it happen? -How did what? How did the captain fall down the hatchway? -He must have overbalanced. -Is that all? -All? What do you mean"all"? -You know what I mean.You were there Mr. Buckland's compliments and can you both attend him- in the captain's cabin immediately? -He's lost his memory, you say? -Yes, he does not remember- his accident at all, or the hours preceding it. Is he capable at present of commanding this ship? It needs to be established, Dr. Clive. -At present, no. -Then we all know where we stand. -For the present, we do. -How do you propose to treat him? Well, bleeding him. I may purge him later. I've yet to refine a regime. He's certainly calmer. Calmer? In what way has he not been calm? -He looks comatose. -That may be a natural reaction- to his memory loss and so on… to his injuries. What was this quite "natural reaction"? He became a little agitated, that is all. -How? In what way, "agitated"? -He showed symptoms, not extreme, of a certain paraphronesis with occasional- -phrenetical impulses. -And in plain English? I could perceive certain symptoms as I say… tendencies which led me to suppose some irritation- of the meninges, the brain lining, in plain English, -which caused me to think… -In plain English, Dr. Clive, is the captain capable of resuming command? -No. -Thank-you. -For the time being. -Oh, we're back there again, are we? And we won't know, will we, if you keep him in this condition? -What do you mean? -You're giving him laudanum, aren't you? What business is it of yours? I'm his doctor. One does not need to be a doctor to know the effects of opiate. What, you're dosing him with laudanum, Dr. Clive? -Well, are you? -A certain dosage seems to be appropriate. How will we ever know if the captain is capable of running this ship if you're keeping him in a constant state of sedation? You will oblige me, Dr. Clive, by leaving off- your drugging of the captain. I do believe a bit of bruising about the face- improves your looks. I've had worse beatings at the hands of me father… if he was me father. Next time, I'm going to do you for good, Styles. It's you we'll be tossing to the crabs, Randall. 'Cept they'd spit him out. Because they're very particular- about what they eat, are crabs. It's more likely when the captain comes back, you two- will be dancing from the end of a rope. You and whoever it was who pushed the captain into the hold. Save it Styles. He's all mouth. Oh no, that's a promise. I've got a nice bit of yardarm for you two, and an extra bit for Mr. Wellard. The captain fell; we all know that. -'Course he did. -Anyway, you two won't be so leery- if the captain doesn't come back, I can tell you. -Why not? -Because Lieutenant Buckland is a born fool. He couldn't command a trip around the bay, never mind a seventy-four. Dr. Clive, it is necessary for me formally- to assume command of this ship. -What's preventing you? -You are, Dr. Clive. You will not declare the captain unfit for command. You keep prevaricating. Until you declare him unfit, it would be a usurpation of power. "Mutiny" in other words! Why are you so frightened of the word? You don't seem frightened of the fact that someone- may have shoved him down that ladder, nearly killed him. That's what you should be concerning yourselves with, not the niceties of taking over! -Dr. Clive, this is hardly ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Кидалы на английском - текст Хорнблауэр: Лягушатники и Раки на английском - текст Кубик-Рубик на английском - текст Рыжая Соня на английском - текст Кулл-завоеватель на английском |