were released early on in the war, when the war was going against us. In conclusion, Craig Baxley: McTiernan's a really passionate guy and a great filmmaker. But Al Di Sarro has had as much to do with his success as anybody. If the director is smart enough, he'll learn to trust Al. Because Al will always give him something that elevates the material. He's a very unique special-effects man. Usually they're journeyman-like, they'll just twist the wires, etc, and make sure everybody's clear when they hit the button. Al's not like that, though he won't admit it. He's an effects man who reads the material and understands it. Al Di Sarro, who chose not to return to Mexico after production resumed: That's sweet of him to say, but you know how it is in this business. Everybody wants to say something nice about everybody. You see, it's easy for Al Di Sarro to walk into the encampment and blow off five gallons of gas into the air. But you need a Craig Baxley who choreographs everything happening around it that makes those five gallons look so great. It's a combined effort. It starts at the top with Joel Silver and works itself down in a proper order. Joel is one of the most incredible people you'll ever work with in your life. There is no bigger than Joel. Know that now. Know it, live it, breathe it. Because if you try to treat it any other way, you will be crushed. (laughs) (in falsetto) "Because I'll tell you right now, if they made fucking killing legal, you'd be the first one I'd kill!" "They didn't have to leave the fucking planet to make Star Wars!" "You want snow in the movie? When you think of snow, think no. " I punched him in the shoulder one day. He turned to me and said "That shoulder is not for punching. It's for thinking. " But I've always seen Joel back his whole crew. Right down to the craft services man. Joel Silver stands strong behind his people. Di Sarro remembers his first reaction to the script: Excitement. Absolute excitement. I was getting a chance. I read that script ten times. I thought through those gags. They were rigged in my head while I slept. I lived it. I had a high confidence level, but also respect for what I was walking in to do. I was more concerned with conducting myself in a politically correct manner than I was about actually doing the work. I was in another world. I was in the world of motion picture feature film. Fox Studios. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Joel Silver. Big names for a little TV effects guy. I was intimidated by that to a degree. But what a place to start a feature career. How lucky is that? Michael Wilmington quote, copyright 1987, "Los Angeles Times". Reprinted with permission. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Агония на английском - текст Чёрная дыра на английском - текст Заклятие долины Змей на английском - текст Стюарт Литтл на английском - текст Друзья - Сезон 6 на английском |