credit, before we went into production we got together, and he wanted to know who this character was. We described that. Visual Effects Coordinator Joel Hynek returned to the "Predator"production after the shutdown. Whereas before, he was one of four or five crew members from R/Greenberg, now he was the only one. (Hynek) The hiatus was valuable. We tested what we shot and we didn't need red lights. The additional red lights had slowed down the crew, so McTiernan was relieved when Hynek told him that they could generate mattes using natural light. (Hynek) During the hiatus, we also came up with a manual repeat pass. I believe the first shoot was the first time motion control had been used in the jungle, but setting the motion control camera up in the jungle was a nightmare. We would get to the location at 4am. We were determined not to slow production down. Now we could do shots in half the time, if not one-third. Don Poynter was an animator who did rotoscoping for mattes and animated sparks. Don spelled his name out on the Predator's arm, here. Animators do that all the time. Film Journalist/Historian Eric Lichtenfeld: As is usual for several of "Predator's" genre, the movie did not receive overwhelming critical support. Many critics could not- or would not- see the artistry for the gore, the precise, fresh details for the conventional backdrops which they shape. Writing for the LA Times, however, Michael Wilmington saw McTiernan's strengths - strengths the director would continue to develop and capitalise upon in his subsequent films. In his June 12, 1987 review, Wilmington wrote: "Like many directors schooled in TVcommercials McTiernan has an interesting visual flair and he creates a mood here out of almost nothing: Crawling, belly-level tracking shots, heroic or statuesque angles, a bleak approach to violence, picturesque deep-foliage landscapes streaked with weird harsh light. The whole movie often jells on an almost abstract level, unrelated to its own story. " Wilmington qualifies Predator's style in an interesting way. What he calls "abstract" might also be called "mythic". One of Predator's most unique aspects is its simplicity. Most movies - even, or rather, especially, action movies - get more complicated as they near the climax of the story, as all the elements start coming together. For McTiernan's movies, this is true for "Die Hard", "The Hunt for Red October" and "Die Hard with a Vengeance", among others, whose third acts are each a much more complicated juggling act for the director, the screenwriters, the editor, etc. The opposite is true of this movie. Like a horror film, all has been stripped away: The complexity of the mission, Dutch's manpower and fire power, until he and the Predator must face each other, both seeming like forces of nature. Given Jim and John Thomas'influences, the confrontation between Dutch and the Predator resembles something like Hercules and the Hydra. The mud and improvised weaponry enhance the primal aspect of the story. Complimenting this is the sound design. In this last act, it is dominated by music and very precise sound effects. There is little dialogue. After all, what's there to say? Screenwriters Jim and John Thomas: ( John) Our intent was to strip away elements of the modern, organised, socialised world to where itjust came down to primal instinct. ( Jim) Here's a guy who has the most technological weaponry and he's reduced to covering himself with mud and making bows and arrows to fight ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Кошка, которая гуляла сама по себе на английском - текст Сумерки - Новолуние на английском - текст Тариф Новогодний на английском - текст Лунный Папа на английском - текст ...И правосудие для всех на английском |