just start spitballing ideas. We build an outline from that. Then a more extensive outline to the point where we've pretty well fleshed everything out. One thing that was very important to us, and it has been in anything that we've done, is knowing what the ending is. The ending is like the punch line to ajoke. If you have a good payoff, you can have a lot of fun with how you get there. We wrote the whole screenplay sitting out at the beach. We'd stick an umbrella out there and just work. ( John) There was a writer who lived next to Jim - Ernest Thompson, who wrote On Golden Pond. We used to look up about four storeys at his ivory-tower condominium. Meanwhile, he'd be looking down at us while we're both scribbling away. ( Jim) He finally couldn't stand it one day. He came down and told us how jealous he was... ( John) That we were sitting out there on the sand and he was stuck up there in his office! The screenwriters discuss the research they conducted: ( John) We researched the structure and operating parameters of a Special Forces team: What kind of aircraft and tactics they would use, how they would leave the aircraft, if they would parachute or do what we chose - a quick-line rappel which has been used since Vietnam - and lastly, their combat techniques when they're attacking a much larger force. We learned a lot from guys who we'd known who'd been doing this. Also from people who we knew that were involved with the Central Intelligence Agency. We picked up some ideas of the operations that the CIA had been detailing and running over the years in Central America. ( Jim) At that particular time, there was so much stuff going on in Central America. If this had been before that, it would have been Vietnam. ( John) We were hearing reports that US advisers were down in that area but that was being kept very quiet. Since that time, we've learned a great deal, that there were American Special Forces down there operating. ( Jim) We were told on deep background that American Special Forces had actually engaged Russian advisers, who were Russian Special Forces, in combat. ( John) They were also using the C-130 gunships at night. During the day, the advisers would go in and locate these camps. Then at night, the gunships would come in and annihilate those places. That was all secret, but it's since been revealed. Editor Mark Helfrich on the helicopter sequence: (Helfrich) Looking at Predator again, the only thing I thought was too long was "Long Tall Sally" playing in the helicopter scene for ever. I thought "God, this is going on a bit. " "Maybe we don't need so many shots of the helicopters flying through the air. " I had a lot of cool helicopter shots, so I wanted to use them. I guess I was influenced by Apocalypse Now that day. Casting Director Jackie Burch: (Burch) I'm brought in after they know they're making the movie. All we had was Arnold. When I read the script, the first thing I evaluated was that I needed actors who had been Vietnam vets so they could survive in the jungle. At the time, there was a play out about Vietnam - that's where I found Richard Chaves. As for Jesse the Body, his agent Barry Bloom called up and said "You've got to meet him. " I said "Can he act? I really like good actors and I don't like lunkheads. " He turned out to be a doll and a good type for this movie. He was physically great for this. And he did really well when he read, which was important to me. What I like to bring to action movies is really good actors. You can'tjust have the same formula for every action movie and expect it to work. Each one has its own special needs. Die Hard was a totally different kind of action movie to cast. I needed an intellectual heavy, while Reginald Veljohnson added warmth and played
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