what you can find. -Yes, sir. What's he got? Same business. Guerrillas hauling two guys in the chopper... followed by men with American equipment. Do you remember Afghanistan? Trying to forget it. Come on. Let's go. Oh! God! Holy mother of God. ''Jim Hopper.'' Mac, cut them down. I knew these men. Green Berets out of Fort Bragg. What the hell were they doing here? I don't know, Dutch. This is inhuman. Nobody told me there was an operation in this area. They shouldn't have been here. Well, somebody sent them. The guerrillas skinned them? Why did they skin them? Ain't no way for no soldier to die. What happened here, Billy? Strange, Major. There was a fire fight. They were shooting in all directions. Can't believe Jim Hopper walked into an ambush. I don't believe he did. I can't find a single track. Just doesn't make sense. What about the rest of Hopper's men? There's no sign, sir. They never left here. Hell, it's like they just disappeared. Stick with the guerrilla trail. Let's get the hostages. We move, five-meter spread. No sound. It's time to let Old Painless out of the bag. Payback time. You're ghostin' us, mother fucker. I don't care who you are back in the world. You give our position one more time... I'll bleed you real quiet and leave you here. Got that? Aah! Fuck you. Aah! He killed one of the hostages. We move. Mac, Blain... the nest. Billy, Poncho... the guard. Hawkins, Dillon... backup. Once they're set, I hit the fuel dump. One down. What the hell's he doing? What the fuck? Aaaah! Show time, kid. Target's the center, on the upper level! Dutch, on your nine! Get that mother! Go. Hyah! Stick around. Hostages are inside! Knock knock. I got 'em ! Hawkins, call in position and situation. Get Connor for the hook! You got it, Major. Shit. Mac, any sign of the other hostage? Found the other guy. He's dead, too... and the kid from the chopper. But if they're Central American, l'm a Goddamn Chinaman. From the looks of it, our cabinet minister was CIA. Another thing, Major. We were lucky. Other guys we waxed... Russian military advisers. Something pretty big was gonna happen here. Good work, Mac. Clear the area. No traces. Get the men ready to move. Right. Son of a bitch is dug in like an Alabama tick. You're hit. You're bleeding, man. I ain't got time to bleed. Oh...OK. You got time to duck? This is goddamn beautiful. Goddamn jackpot. This is more than we ever thought we'd get. Now we got those bastards. We got 'em. I think this is what you're looking for. You set us up! It's all bullshit! All of it. The cabinet minister, the whole business. Got us in here to do your dirty work. We just stopped a major invasion. In three days, they'd have crossed the border. -Why us? -Nobody else could've done it. Pissed about the cover story? I needed it to get you in here. What story did you hand Hopper? Look, we've been looking for this place for months. My men were in that chopper when it got hit! Hopper was supposed to get them. He disappeared. He didn't disappear. He was skinned alive! My orders were to get somebody to crack these bastards! So you cooked up a story and dropped us in a meat grinder. What happened to you, Dillon? You used to be somebody I could trust. I woke up. Why don't you? You're an asset... an expendable asset... and I used you to get the job done. Got it? My men are not expendable. And I don't do this kind of work. Major! We stepped into some real shit here. Air surveillance says we got guerillas all over. Can't be more than one, two miles away. -How much time? -Half hour, maybe less. Tell Mac we move in five. Wait. She goes, too. She's got valuable information. She'll give away our position any chance she gets. No deal. You're still under orders, Major. You wanna make that call or should l? She's your baggage. You fall behind, and
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