You know, different strokes and all that? Different life styles is one thing, different life forms is another. I'm not in a real good mood tonight, Ginger. I want the girls' money. Now, is this gonna be easy... - or is this gonna be trouble? - Hey, Ritchie... tell it to go away. I'm not up all my barnyard languages. Okay, Duck, out! You're gone! You're history! You little wise pecker! Arrevidici, Duck! - Mallard in the side pocket. - Adios, quack man. Very nicely done. Hey, what's going on out there now? - All right, now it's my turn! - Hey, come on, Duck! Take your best shot! - You got it! - Ritchie! Stuck-a-bob! No! No earring in your other ear? I'll just make the hole myself. No, please, man, no, man, please! Don't! - The money! - Sure. Sure, here! You take the money! Take it! It's your! Take it! And, you're no longer their manager! Listen, okay. Everybody in here is a witness. I'm letting the girls out of their contract, okay? - Tell your goons to stay back! - I'm warning you! - Get back, Ritchie! - I bite your face... - you're a dead man, Ginger! - What are you talking about? Space rabies! - Ritchie, is that a real disease? - I don't know, Ging... I heard something about that on the news. That's right, Space Rabies! Yeah, one bite, and... it's agonizing death in 15 seconds. Bite, bite. Bite! We're all music lovers, huh? What a guy. - Those guys are a bunch of fools. - Obviously the wrong crowd. I'm running out of sticks to throw at these people! Sucks! - Now who? - Look, tell him to go away. Down here, doll. Is Beverly in? Geez, you must be K. C... - Meet Howard. - Hi, oh, Howie. We've heard so much about you. Of course, we didn't believe it. How weird. - Hi you, Ducky. - Hi, Toots. How's the world been treating you? - Guess. - I was worried about you. - I missed you. - Well, sex appeal... some guys got it... - and some guys don't. - Howard? Listen, I'm sorry we fought. You're the only friend... I've got here. Hi, sorry I missed the show. I came to watch you undress, though. And I brought a pizza. Howard! Boy! Thank God you're back. I've been working on... - the mystery of your arrival. - What's he doing here? Well, he and Ronette have sort of got back together. I don't know who's more desperate for dates, you or me. What? Anyway, Howard, I was talking to some Astro-physicists. You know, the guys who discovered that Aztecs came from Mars? - Well, these guys concluded... - No! That you arrived here in a space craft millions of years ago, and... - must've remained frozen in ice. - Go away! Ronette, could you shut this boy up? - Howard... - What's a pizza? It's a circular Italian food object. Howard... I didn't buy that theory either, so I did some research... and I discovered an ancient race of large ducks worshipped by... - primitive Somoans. - Leave me alone! I was barking up the wrong tree. I knew that. But... tonight I am getting concrete evidence about how you got here. Wait a minute. Oh, I gotta make a call. - Phil? - No sex now, I'm working. Got a place to stay tonight? Yeah, by the way I forgot. I had a little talk... - with your manager Ginger? - You talked to that slime? - What for? - I got your money from him. Ducky, I can't believe this. I also got him to agree that it was time for him to step aside... - as your manager. - What? - You got rid of Ginger? - Mr. Duck, you're wonderful. This is it! I'm out of here! - Good. - Howard... I'm about to meet secretly with my colleague... - and he's bringing The Feather. - What feather? - What are you talking... - If it matches... - it'll be the answer to your problems. - Matches? No, you don't! Stay away from me! - You leave him alone! - Let me through! Philip, you're a drip! I'm about to unravel the mystery of your arrival! - Come back here, your hairless ape! - You'll have time to thank me later! - Get out ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Вертихвостки на английском - текст В то же время, в следующем году на английском - текст Челюсти на английском - текст Соседские мальчишки на английском - текст Ночь и день на английском |