extinction of all existing life forms. - You haven't even tasted it, yet. - What do you think? I'm into cannibalism or something? Hey, are we like all in the same discussion here? I'll give you a hint, Doll. What's white, ovid... and always reminds me of my birthday? - I don't know. - The eggs! Get them out of here! Gosh, you know, hostility is like psychic boomerang. I can't believe this planet! Fried eggs. Yuck! - Just bring the beer! - Howard? Howard? - What happened? - How the hell did you do that? - My powers are growing. - Watch out! - It is time now. - What's that? It is the code key. It will activate the laser spectra scope... when I use it tonight to bring down the other Dark Over Lords. - The others? - Now he's got a whole gang. Well, screw them. I got dibs on the laser first. Gimme that code hey. That's my ticket home! - Look at his hand! - It's nothing. Look at his face! Yes. Soon the Dark Over Lords will engulf the Earth. - Nothing human will remain here. - Nothing ducks will remain either! - Move, we're going! - You will get the check? Hate to eat and run. - Hello there. - Get out of the way. - Hey, look the talking duck. - Bug off! - Lord, what is that? - You jackass, he's a ventriloquist. These guy here is doing the talking and this here's the dummy. Go ahead, say something, dummy! You might not wanna hear what I'll say, Bozo! Did you make him say that, Jerk Off? Leave him alone! He was just in an industrial accident. - So take a hike, Cowboy! - You... - You're a dead duck! - Hey! What's this? The key to your duck mobile? Gimme that or you're gonna be sorry. Better watch out he's a master of Quack-foo! I'll Quack-foo him! Bullies! Put me down! Come on that front. All nice! Going up! I'm going. This one's for you, Cracker! - Good shot! Good shot! - Another hungry customer! - You... - Toro, toro! Ole! I'm gonna get you, you dumb duck! Hey, boy! Call the police! Not the police! Call somebody else! They're gonna hurt Howard. An evil unlike any you can imagine is about to engulf the Earth. No, no, we have fights in here all the time. - Man, Jenning! Your order is ready. - Are you gonna just sit there? - She took my eggs! - One special! - Howard! - Beverly! - Howard! - Jenning! - I could use some help here, Buddy! - Come on, let's get out of here! Howard? You're not getting away now, you stinking little bird! Put me down! Put me down right now! Put him down! Howard maybe a duck but you people are animals! - He's my boyfriend! - That's disgusting. You don't make me proud to be a human! Let me just pay the check and I'm out of here. I can't believe that you're just sitting here. Look what they're doing to Howard! - Geez! - Chicken fry! Where's the SPCA when you need them? - I am not immune. - I'm gonna barbecue your bill, bird. Great duck in heaven, this is the end of Howard. There's gonna be more violence! I hate violence! You gotta go in there and beat them up. Jenning! Jenning, don't just sit there! This is serious! - They're gonna cook me! - Take that! - Any last words? - Yeah, Jenning! - He's my favorite duck. - You hardly know him. Jenning! They're seasoning me! Wait, you better let me up. - You don't wanna get my friend angry! - Yeah? Why? Because he's one of the Dark Over Lords of the Universe. And he can destroy you and the Earth, everything. Yeah, well, I didn't buy it at first either. Look, they're laughing at you and they've got Mr. Code Key. My God! - One, two... - Wait a minute! Jenning! Look! I warned you! Here he comes! - He must have ate the chili. - Release the small water fowl! - Bring me the Code Key, Howard. - Right! The Code Key! You heard him! Cut me loose! Sounds like a brunch of bull puckie to me! My God! My God! - Are you okay, Howard? - Yes. - Enough of this crap! - You out of here! If you can't take the heat, get out of that ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Ох уж эта наука! на английском - текст Основной инстинкт 2 на английском - текст Король Лир на английском - текст Терминатор на английском - текст Коллекционер на английском |