Doc? What's wrong with me? There's the back gate. - Good, there's no cops. - I don't have a gate key. You've got a foot, don't you? So step on it. Lieutenant, a car crashed out the back gate. - Headed for Highway Five. - All right, get out an All Points... - Bulletin right now. - Yes, sir! How in the hell am I gonna explain a manhunt for a duck? - It's a duck hunt. - Hansen, please, don't, don't... don't start, please? Please? Can't you understand? I'm telling you I saw something! Doc, you're in shock from the explosion... - and you're imagining things. - Watch where you're going, damn it! Listen, an evil has landed. The world is in great danger. Yeah, it certainly is when you're out on the highway. Look out! You're gonna get us killed. It feels like something inside me gnawing at my guts! - What's wrong with me? - Well, what did you have for lunch? Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Come on, give us a break! Don't close your eyes. The pain. It's like I'm transforming inside. I'm afraid I'm about... - to become something else. - Oh, great... - like a sex change or something. - Something's growing inside me. It's replicating and superseding all my intern organs! Well, stop at a bathroom, huh? That monster's shape I saw. - Jenning! - It's inside my body. This guy's delirious. He's not making any sense. It's too late. The end of the world is coming... and I will be the cause of it. Jenning, man, slow down! Steer you big yo-yo! Steer! Howard, step on the brake! Howard, step on the brake! Oh, no! White line, wrong way. - The brake! Push, Beverly, push! - I'm trying! I'm dead. Yes, you are. - You think that's funny, Jenning? - I'm not Jenning any more. The transformation is complete. I am now someone else. Try telling that to your insurance company. I think he needs come coffee. Come on. Oh, after you. Hey, sorry. This is why I hate the night' shift. I'm sorry, we don't allow pets on the premises. Hey, have a heart. Seeing eye duck. Touching, isn't he? Not so tight. What are you doing? Falling in love? Yeah, sit down. I need a beer bad. Gotta find a waitress. Yeah. - Hey, honey! You! - Yeah, I'm coming. Here she comes. Your kid's costume is really radical. I'll bet he's crazy about... Yeah, I'm very attached to him. Your dad's sort of in his own space. What do you think he'd like to eat? I no longer need human food. I know it's a drag, but you're gonna have to order some food... if you wanna sit here, so how about the specials on the menu? You are about to witness the end of the old world... and the birth of the new. Hey, is he like one of those TV Evangelists or something? - Yeah. - Or something. - I'm gonna kill somebody. - It's okay, Howard. Why don't we just have three specials and three beers. Right. - Poor girl. - Listen, Dr. J. If you could tune back into reality for a second. I don't understand anything you're talking about. All I know is I need that laser machine to get me home. Is it still working, Jenning? Jenning! I told you, bird brain, I'm not Jenning any more! I am now one of the Dark Over Lords of the Universe. - Dark Over Lord of the Universe? - That must be quite a responsibility. Tonight the laser beam hit the Nexus of Sominus. What is that? A Suburb of Cleveland? It lied beyond the planets. It's a region of demons... to which we Dark Over Lords were exiled eons ago. - I hope you're getting all this. - Howard, what I'm getting is that... - this man is very, very sick. - Just as you... were brought down here accidentally. Tonight the laser beam released me from that... region of demons and pulled me down into that lab. - Small universe. - During the explosion... I entered Jenning's body. So... I have disguised my true form... which would be considered hideous and revolting here. Lucky for the people eating. You ordered the specials, what's wrong? This will mean the ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Добро пожаловать, или Посторонним вход воспрещён на английском - текст Окраина на английском - текст Перегон на английском - текст Командир эскадрильи на английском - текст Железяки на английском |