too. - Leave me alone! - What? I don't need any more of your sympathy, your charity! Okay. Okay, fine. I mean, I just found something... I meet somebody in a pretty weird predicament and I was trying to help. But if that's the way you want it, then so long, Ducky! Don't shed any tears over me, Toots! You can wallow in your own self pity! Right! Well, who needs you? - I don't need anybody! - Yeah, right. Yeah. Damn it! I can't sit here on my tail feathers feeling sorry for myself. I've got to think about practical matter. Food, shelter, a job. Now you do know why you were sent to me? My continuing streak of bad luck? You've been sent to me because I'm famous for finding job... for little slackers like you. That's right. They send me all the psycho cases. All the misfits. All the phonies and the fakers who think that... by traipsing in here looking outlandish... they're not gonna be able to find work! It's my fault I gotta shoplift at the little tyke section of goodwill? I'm not talking about your clothes, I'm talking about your face. You think that by looking controversial, you're never... gonna find a job and just go on collecting unemployment... and living happy on the public dough. Well, dude, you've got another think coming! Because Cora Mae always places her interviewee. I'm gonna find your ass a job. That'll wipe that snarl right off your face, little whatever you is. In fact, I think I got just the position for you! I got a feeling you're gonna take to this job like a duck to water. Towels, lotion? Antibiotics? It must mating season. Creepy little dude. Shorty? It's Howard, thank you, and I'm taking a break. Pardon me, Your Aloneness... but we seem to have a plugged up airjet in number five. - And? - And since you are supposed... to be the water expert I asked for, you are going to fix it! No! No, no, no, wait, wait. I got a better Idea! Wait, wait. I can't swim! Kid, guess I slipped. Don't mind me. Oh, I leave that creepy little dude in here to clean this place up... How am I supposed to run a class... Guess I slipped. Just came by to tell you... I quit! Excuse me. Getting off. My stop. Hi, there. How are you? Good to see you. Yeah, same to you! Urban jungle! Geez! - What is that? - That's a duck... - What is that thing? - That's a duck, man! Forecasting our week of fair weather for you duck hunters... - for what reported, Steve Cannelli. - Well, Bob... it's time to dust off those decoys and practice that squawking... because duck hunting season has officially opened. - Duck hunting? - The Live Wild Commission... has actually doubled the limit of ducks that can be shot. Shot? This Duck has come to America with Duck A Roni. No! But if every hunter could blast fifteen of those in the sky... Hey, buddy, what's the rush? This way is too depressing. Give me a beat! One, two, three, four! Honey, I love you! I love you! I'm right here. Beverly, I'm yours after the show. Alright. - Here's the money for the girls. - I'll make sure they get it. - Yeah, I'll bet. When? - When? When Beaudacious Beverly stops holding out to me. I'm gonna invite her up to my place tonight... for a little career manipulation. I guess you must be the girls' manager. And if you are... I don't like the way you're talking about Beverly. And I want the girl's money! - Ritchie? Would you... What is that? - Oh, look, Ginger... I warned you when you got into Rock Management... you'd be dealing with entertainment types. You know, different strokes and all that? Different life styles is one thing, different life forms is another. I'm not in a real good mood tonight, Ginger. I want the girls' money. Now, is this gonna be easy... - or is this gonna be trouble? - Hey, Ritchie... tell it to go away. I'm not up all my barnyard languages. Okay, Duck, out! You're gone! You're history! You little wise ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Потерянный уикэнд на английском - текст Брат на английском - текст Гадкие лебеди на английском - текст Клятва на английском - текст Тихий Дон на английском |