on, Philsey, move! Let's crank her up! - Hurry! - Where's that button? It won't start! Oh, my God! - Watch out! - Jump, Howard! - This is our only chance! - Get outta there. - Duck! - And proud of it! Philsey, you saved my life! Are you all right? - Terrific, Howard. - It still won't start! - Try the seat belt, Howard. - Seat belt? Whatsabe misua. You little pond hopper. Go, Howard, go! Talk about bad breath! Turn off the eyes! Now it's my turn. Dark Over Lord, I want you! Prepare to eat beak! So long sucker! Howard! No! Howard? Howard? - Oh, boy! - Howard? - Howard! - You all right? I need this like I need another tail! - You did it! - Get me down from here! Come on! - Dr. Jenning? - Howard, it's not... It's not what? The devil's not inside me any more. The explosion must have released it and it's loose! - What about me? - The Dark Over Lord is still here. Well then, I suggest we get Beverly and get the hell outta here! Philsey, get her down from there! - What took you so long? - Nothing. Just got arrested... shot at, handcuffed, I got thrown out of an airplane! Guys? His tongue with a cigarette lighter! Cigarette lighter? That's really disgusting! - Guys? - What? Oh, my God! Phil, Phil. Get up! Get up! - It's coming! - It's coming! I was just resting. Look! Good boy, stay back! Stay back. Oh, boy! Howard! There goes Howard! We've gotta help Howard, Phill! What? Yeah, gotta help Howard! - Come on. Howard! - Here we go! - Going somewhere, Howard? - No! - There's no escape. - Philsey! Dr. Jenning! Mother! - Do you wish to active the laser? - Yes. Thank you, Dr. Jenning. - He started the activation sequence. - He's gonna bring down more of them. You may fire when ready. Four minutes to arrival. Philsey, Beverly, anybody! Help! Three minutes, thirty seconds to arrival. Howard! Here! All right! Like salami! Did you lose something? Alien specimens are arriving laboratory in three minutes. All right! Eat claw, Duck! - Two minutes to arrival. - Belt, box, trigger! One minute, thirty seconds to arrival. You little duck! - One minute to arrival. - Howard! There's more coming down. The machine, Howard. You've got to destroy it! - Blast it. - Get them! No, Howard, don't! You'll never get home. - Thirty seconds to arrival. - Get them! Goodbye, Duck World. Get outta there. Run! Ten seconds and counting to arrival. Over here! Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two... one, arrival. Howard! No! I don't know where you are now, but I hope you're happier there. This world didn't threat you very good, but you saved it, didn't you? - Howard? - I am not Howard anymore. Geez, all this smoke, it's murder on the sinuses. Fooled you, didn't I? - Howard. - It's all right, Toots. Well, all right, I'd like to dedicate this song to our new manager. Go! All right, that's mechanical. We're gonna release the big wave-0. Cue as ready. Cue and go! - Howard, Howard. - Yeah? Help me out! Release that rope there! Gotcha. - Not that one! - Philsey, what's going on? Get me down from here! I've done enough flying. Philsey! Philsey, do you realize I could have been killed up there? - What's this? - Rock and Roll! Right! Give me four. Big, big, baby. Is that hot enough for you? Hit a purple "A" for you all. Do it! That's me! Thank you! Thank you! We love you. Howard, Howard, Howard, Howard! We love you! Not bad for a duck from outer space. You were great, Ducky. Done by (c) dCd / February 2007Hi, honey, this is your mother. Listen, I know you're very busy... with the new job but please try and call us. Did you get the birthday sweater we sent? We'll be home all weekend. Bye. Howard, Jim here. We still set for racquet ball on Saturday. Give me a shout, Buddy, bye-bye. Hi, it's Wendy. I had this really intense dream last night, Howie. I was running my fingers through ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Вся президентская рать на английском - текст Сказки леса на английском - текст Доктор Детройт на английском - текст Набалдашник и метла на английском - текст Кулл-завоеватель на английском |