is my nesting instinct. - I'm flying, blind here. - Shut up! You're not flying at all! - Let her rip! - Bombs away! Pull it up, Howard, were running outta land! - Wet stuff ahead! - Watch out! Death from the skies to all duck, Hunters! Toro, toro, toro! Vengeance is mine! Yeah! Bonzai! Slow down. Slow down. Hey, you, pull over here! This is a smog device inspection. - And I need... Shut off the engine! - It is off! Somebody's pushing! Shut it down! Shut it down! What the hell is wrong with you? - I wanna see your license, Jack! - I have no license, I am not Jack. Smog inspection! What happened? We gotta get outta here! - Damage report, Philsey? - Fuel hose is busted! Rudder is wasted. Basically, we're dying here, Howard. - I'm bailing out! - No, you're not! You're gonna get up there and fix this lawn mower now! - Philsey, how's it going? - I'm getting close. - I'm on top of it! - Good. Relax, Howard, I almost got it! Philsey, I did a loop the loop. I'm getting good at this! I... Howard! Stop, Howard! Geez, I thought I lost you. Philsey, this is no time for water sports. I'm just kidding, big guy. Hey, scum, lemme go! - Philsey, get back up here! - I'm trying! No, no, don't shoot! I'm an innocent hostage! - The duck's a lunatic! - What? He's a duck terrorist! He hijacked the plane! Howard, pull it back! - Welcome back, Philsey! - Thanks, it's great to be back. Will you watch the road, damn it? Hey, it's just another car. It's no big deal! - Yes, big deal! Big... - What? Big, big, big... - No wings. - Welcome to the club. Coming through! That's a lotta fun. I'd like to get off now. Slow down. Slow down! Relax, I'll just throttle this baby back. - Philsey! I better tell you now. - What? I can't swim! Philsey, help! Philsey, help me! Never heard of a duck that couldn't swim. - Shut up and save me! - We've been through hell! Now, I there is some kind of monster in here. Howard this crazy! Phil, no duck is an island and if fate sent me here to save her. Then, I wonder that duck is ready to fight. Damn! He's starting the spectra-scope. Gezz, he's gonna bring down another Dark Over Lord. - We gotta get Beverly outta there. - Hey, take it easy, Conan. What are you gonna fight him with? We gotta find some kind of... Wait! Carter showed me something here once that might do it, if we can find it! You'll never get away with this! We'll find it! Come on, Philsey! You don't scare me! Boy, the Defense Research. This is it! This is it! This is locked! Okay, I know where it is. It's on the right or the left or... There it is. The Neutron Disintegrator. - And a big lock. - Rats! Okay, all right. Turn me into a Dark Over Lord... I'll still spit in your wormy face! Welcome to Dyna-Technics. Authorized personnel only. Please insert Code Key. Authorized personnel only, thank you. Hello, Dr. Jenning. Please select your target an enter target course. Thank you. Laser Spectra-scope is now targeting the Nexus of Sominus. Targeting is in process. Come on, Philsey! Hit it harder! Way to go! - Hurry up! - The Neutron Disintegrator... was developed for the Army until he cost overance became... - really embarrassing to the... - Can it stop Jenning? Theoretically, yes, unfortunately it's never been tested. Attention, all personnel, please, leave the station... while laser doors are opening. Please, leave machine while spectra-scope extension. Target is now locked. Target is now locked. Is this like a stick-shift or automatic? Well, Howard, you have to get into firing range without him seeing you! Right. I'll sneak up on him and then I'll blast him! Do you wish to bring the laser to full power? Dr. Jenning, I repeat... do you wish to bring the laser to full power? Thank you. - What's this do? - No, Howard, don't... Howard! - You're in big trouble now! - Shut up! Run, Howard! He's in a bad mood! Come ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Полицейский из Беверли Хиллз 2 на английском - текст Огонь, вода и... медные трубы на английском - текст Звёздный путь: Возмездие на английском - текст Неоконченная пьеса для механического пианино на английском - текст Крулл на английском |