- It's closing time! The Code Key! It's not nice to fool with the Dark Over Lord. - They get the point, Jenning! - Get out of the way! - Now's our chance. - Yeah, come on. This way. Cut it out, Howard. - Going somewhere? - Yeah, without you! - Move the table out of the way! - I can't, it's stuck! What's wrong? Howard, get down from there! - Like I'm doing this on purpose? - Give me the Code Key! Yeah? What if I don't? Can't you take a joke? Geez, you broke my head. I will now bring down the other Dark Over Lords. Hey, what about me? You filthy scum bucket! Run! No! Beverly! Beverly? Howard, look out! You killed him! You killed him! Beverly, I'll find you! - I need your body. - You creep, I've that one before! The Dark Over Lords cannot exist on this planet unless... - they grow inside a human body. - God, no! I hurt! Need energy. Watch out! More energy! Geez, that's the grossest! I'm gonna puke! God! There was this big guy and this girl and this little kid. At least I thought it was a little kid. Then I flashed on reality right! Halloween's not till next month. I know my rights. Where's my baseball cap? - Shut up! - Bastards! Can't move! Philsey? Philsey? Philsey! It's me. Howard. Howard, I got arrested at the plant. I'm gonna have a criminal record. Jenning kidnapped Beverly. He's taking her back to that science lab. - What? Why? - He's some kind of monster. He's gonna bring down more of his buddies. He's got big plans. Like taking over Earth. Philsey, we gotta get out of here. Howard, this door doesn't have any handles... get a rock or something and break this window. - A rock? - Window. Let me try the door first. - How we getting out of here? - Come on. Philsey, where we going? Hey, over here. - They're gonna be gone soon. - Hey, let's steal a cop car. Don't you think that would be a little conspicuous? - Hitchhike? Cab? - What is that? Gezz! It looks like an airplane. Well, it will be. We can put it together in no time. Somebody's weekend hobby's gonna get back to that lab. Hey, we've got a saying on my planet. If God intended us to fly he wouldn't have taken away our wings. That's really profound, Howard. Could you find the tool box? Yeah, I know why you want a tool box. You got a screw loose. - Power. - No. They just spotted the duck and the kid. - Where? - Behind the warehouse next door. - They're about to take off. - What do you mean "take off"? - It's not doing anything. - Cops! - Push forward on the throttle. - Okay, yeah. Full throttle! Full throttle! - Cops, Philsey! - One eighty, Howard. Right. One away! Come on! Hurry up! - There's cops everywhere. - Not in the air, Howard! Up, up! Look out! Prepare for a take-off. No, no! Follow them! Bring them down and bring them back! I want that duck! Dead or alive! - South, Southwest, Howard. - What? That way. Stay low! Beverly, I'm coming to get you, sweetheart. Help me! Help! Somebody help me! Please, help me! Please watch your step. I think you're all gonna find this very interesting. You know, honestly, Congressman this Three Mile Islands China... Syndrome melt down stuff. It's all history. The only melt downs around here... are the cheese sandwiches in the toaster oven. These Washington guys take a real beating on these junkets. Our nuclear reactor is pumping out one million kilowatts of power. One million kilowatts of power? Yes, sir. Listen, I think we could all use cup of coffee. Help! Somebody help me, please! Help! Come on! Go, go, go, go! I feel much better. What's that? Right pedal! Right pedal! - Damn it, that was too close! - I'm just learning here! Howard, in pre-historic times you flew. Fly, Howard! Find your instincts. Trust your birdness. Fly! Howard, pull up! Pull up! - Touch down! - Great landing, Howard... but this isn't gonna get us to the lab. You said to follow my instincts. This ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Стюарт Литтл 2 на английском - текст Артур 2 на английском - текст Мы - не ангелы на английском - текст Берегись автомобиля на английском - текст Антикиллер 2: Антитеррор на английском |