And? - And since you are supposed... to be the water expert I asked for, you are going to fix it! No! No, no, no, wait, wait. I got a better Idea! Wait, wait. I can't swim! Kid, guess I slipped. Don't mind me. Oh, I leave that creepy little dude in here to clean this place up... How am I supposed to run a class... Guess I slipped. Just came by to tell you... I quit! Excuse me. Getting off. My stop. Hi, there. How are you? Good to see you. Yeah, same to you! Urban jungle! Geez! - What is that? - That's a duck... - What is that thing? - That's a duck, man! Forecasting our week of fair weather for you duck hunters... - for what reported, Steve Cannelli. - Well, Bob... it's time to dust off those decoys and practice that squawking... because duck hunting season has officially opened. - Duck hunting? - The Live Wild Commission... has actually doubled the limit of ducks that can be shot. Shot? This Duck has come to America with Duck A Roni. No! But if every hunter could blast fifteen of those in the sky... Hey, buddy, what's the rush? This way is too depressing. Give me a beat! One, two, three, four! Honey, I love you! I love you! I'm right here. Beverly, I'm yours after the show. Alright. - Here's the money for the girls. - I'll make sure they get it. - Yeah, I'll bet. When? - When? When Beaudacious Beverly stops holding out to me. I'm gonna invite her up to my place tonight... for a little career manipulation. I guess you must be the girls' manager. And if you are... I don't like the way you're talking about Beverly. And I want the girl's money! - Ritchie? Would you... What is that? - Oh, look, Ginger... I warned you when you got into Rock Management... you'd be dealing with entertainment types. You know, different strokes and all that? Different life styles is one thing, different life forms is another. I'm not in a real good mood tonight, Ginger. I want the girls' money. Now, is this gonna be easy... - or is this gonna be trouble? - Hey, Ritchie... tell it to go away. I'm not up all my barnyard languages. Okay, Duck, out! You're gone! You're history! You little wise pecker! Arrevidici, Duck! - Mallard in the side pocket. - Adios, quack man. Very nicely done. Hey, what's going on out there now? - All right, now it's my turn! - Hey, come on, Duck! Take your best shot! - You got it! - Ritchie! Stuck-a-bob! No! No earring in your other ear? I'll just make the hole myself. No, please, man, no, man, please! Don't! - The money! - Sure. Sure, here! You take the money! Take it! It's your! Take it! And, you're no longer their manager! Listen, okay. Everybody in here is a witness. I'm letting the girls out of their contract, okay? - Tell your goons to stay back! - I'm warning you! - Get back, Ritchie! - I bite your face... - you're a dead man, Ginger! - What are you talking about? Space rabies! - Ritchie, is that a real disease? - I don't know, Ging... I heard something about that on the news. That's right, Space Rabies! Yeah, one bite, and... it's agonizing death in 15 seconds. Bite, bite. Bite! We're all music lovers, huh? What a guy. - Those guys are a bunch of fools. - Obviously the wrong crowd. I'm running out of sticks to throw at these people! Sucks! - Now who? - Look, tell him to go away. Down here, doll. Is Beverly in? Geez, you must be K. C... - Meet Howard. - Hi, oh, Howie. We've heard so much about you. Of course, we didn't believe it. How weird. - Hi you, Ducky. - Hi, Toots. How's the world been treating you? - Guess. - I was worried about you. - I missed you. - Well, sex appeal... some guys got it... - and some guys don't. - Howard? Listen, I'm sorry we fought. You're the only friend... I've got here. Hi, sorry I missed the show. I came to watch you undress, though. And I brought a pizza. Howard! Boy! Thank God you're back. I've been working on... - the ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст В то же время, в следующем году на английском - текст Первый понедельник октября на английском - текст Сайлент Хилл на английском - текст Молчаливое бегство на английском - текст Луни Тьюнз: Снова в деле на английском |