hairless apes? That's really disgusting. Now, I want you both to imagine somewhere in the Universe... is Howard's world, picture it in your mind. A world almost exactly like ours... except that the progenitor of the dominant species... - was not a monkey but a duck! - Some theory. Every school duck knows this stuff! And as duck climbed up the evolutionary ladder... he said "Adios" to his wings. His mental capacity increases. He begins to develop. Beverly? - Shopping Malls? - No, tribes. Cro-Magnon Duck, who ultimately evolves into Howard. Blumburtt? Blumburtt? - Come on! - What the hell are you doing? - What? - Don't move! Don't breathe! Did you finish cleaning up the specimen lab? - Almost finished. - Well, get down to... the Marine Lift Exhibit with a mop. Some kid upchucked all over the fern fossils. Right. Good as done, Dr. Chapin. So, Philsey, you are a scientist or a janitor? - I'm a lab assistant. - That's terrific! Just perfect. - Yep, I'm out of here. - Look, it's just a temporary job... until I finish school and get my own museum. Yeah, stuffed you'd make a great exhibit. Howard! Howard, wait! - Typical hairless ape. - Howard, look, come on... don't flutter off in a huff! Beverly, listen, I've got... some important matters to clean up here, but I'll call you tonight. I'll figure out a way to help Howard, I swear. Just don't show him to anybody else! Yeah, they look hungry. Get them a banana. Hide him! Take him to a movie! Look, I didn't know where else to go for help. - Inside, Blumburtt. - Coming. Coming. Howard, why are you so pissed off? Why? Listen, if you got blasted millions of miles through space... ended up on another planet and were given... an I.Q. Test by a janitor, you'd be pissed off too! Look, maybe you are trapped in a world you never made... but, I got problems of my own. My whole career is falling apart. Your career? What about my life? - I'm stranded here, ship wrecked! - Look at this wonderful exhibit. You see what I mean? I'm a freak. An outcast. - It's so life-like and realistic. - Bug off. - Excuse me? - I said, "beat it". Mutants. You, too. - Leave me alone! - What? I don't need any more of your sympathy, your charity! Okay. Okay, fine. I mean, I just found something... I meet somebody in a pretty weird predicament and I was trying to help. But if that's the way you want it, then so long, Ducky! Don't shed any tears over me, Toots! You can wallow in your own self pity! Right! Well, who needs you? - I don't need anybody! - Yeah, right. Yeah. Damn it! I can't sit here on my tail feathers feeling sorry for myself. I've got to think about practical matter. Food, shelter, a job. Now you do know why you were sent to me? My continuing streak of bad luck? You've been sent to me because I'm famous for finding job... for little slackers like you. That's right. They send me all the psycho cases. All the misfits. All the phonies and the fakers who think that... by traipsing in here looking outlandish... they're not gonna be able to find work! It's my fault I gotta shoplift at the little tyke section of goodwill? I'm not talking about your clothes, I'm talking about your face. You think that by looking controversial, you're never... gonna find a job and just go on collecting unemployment... and living happy on the public dough. Well, dude, you've got another think coming! Because Cora Mae always places her interviewee. I'm gonna find your ass a job. That'll wipe that snarl right off your face, little whatever you is. In fact, I think I got just the position for you! I got a feeling you're gonna take to this job like a duck to water. Towels, lotion? Antibiotics? It must mating season. Creepy little dude. Shorty? It's Howard, thank you, and I'm taking a break. Pardon me, Your Aloneness... but we seem to have a plugged up airjet in number five. - ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Алиса в Зазеркалье на английском - текст Дон жуан Де Марко на английском - текст Вижу Землю! на английском - текст Лиля навсегда на английском - текст Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки на английском |