cafeteria inside. You wait for me? What are you doin'? It's 12:00. Oh, this is it, huh? Be right back. [German] Bitte schon. Danke. Bitte. Hello. Hi. What you are eating? I'm not sure, but I wish it was a hamburger. [Laughs] [Pouring Sound] So, did you do it? Mm-hmm. Here. Put this in your bag. You want me to carry it? Please. What is it? Strudel. Strudel? What's inside the strudel? Apples, nuts, raisins... Strudel. [Scoffs] Strudel. Right. It's hot in here. Go back to the hotel? Um, there is one more thing I have to do. You know butcher shop near hotel? Uh, yeah. You can meet me there in one hour. Bye. Okay. [Panting, Grunting] [Clattering] [Grunts] [Grunts] [Humming Theme To "James Bond"] The name is Moore. Jonathan Moore. How's it goin'? [German] Uh, no "sprechen sie." American. What are you doing here? You have great interest in butcher shop? Yeah, it's a nice knockwurst. [Laughs] Passport. [Rustling] Here. I'm just, uh, you know, waitin' for-for a friend. Should be here anytime now. Jonathan Moore. You don't need my name, do you? I mean, I just... waiting for a girlfriend. Uh, "meine fraulin"... "fraulein." Right? [Laughs Mockingly] Yeah. Deutsches fraulein. No, American "fraulein." Name? "Name." l... Name. What is the girl's name? Uh... Sasha Banicek. Banicek? [German] That's not American! Czechoslovak. The name's Czechoslovakian, but she's American. See, she's kinda both. She's both? Yeah. So. You will wait for a girlfriend. Yeah. I also wait. Oh, no, look. [Chuckles] I appreciate it, but you don't have to do that. I mean, uh, you know, she's late already. She probably won't even show up. So, uh... You know how women are. [Chuckles] Think I'm just gonna get goin' myself. Be talkin' to ya later. It's been good talkin' to ya. Keep in touch. [Engine Racing, Horn Beeping] Excuse me. [German] [Rings] Hello? Jonathan? Listen to me. Yeah. Where are you? Go to "S- Bahn" and take the train... to Leninallee Station. And I will meet you there. Leninallee Station. When? Now. [Line Clicks] [Hydraulic Brakes Hissing] [Woman On P.A. Speaking German] You okay? Yes, I'm okay. Well, what's goin' on? Where have you been? I was being followed. But, um, I lost him. You were being followed? By who? I do not know. He's a Russian, I think. Russian? Oh, shit, 'cause when I was waitin' at that butcher shop for ya, this policeman came up and started hassling me. I gave him your name. It does not matter. We have what we came for. So we can get out of here? Soon. I want you to go back to the hotel, and I will meet you there in 45 minutes. No, no, no. I don't want to leave you. Jonathan, please. I know what I am doing. Go back to hotel. Soon we will be in Spain, you will see. Forty-five minutes? [Chattering] [Sighs] [Ringing] Hello? [Sasha] Jonathan? Yeah? Meet me at the Cafe Friedrichstrasse. What? Meet me at the Cafe Friedrichstrasse. [Dial Tone] [Ignition Whining, Sputtering] [Whining Continues] Come on. Come on. [German] [German] What? I'm sorry, I don't "sprechen sie." What's wrong? Why are you running? Oh, uh, nothing. Just a little exercise. Go inside to customs. Auf Wiedersehen. Jonathan Moore? Jon-Jonathan. Yeah. What was the purpose of your visit to East Berlin? N-No purpose. Uh, just to see it. Tourist? Yeah. Yeah. "Ja." Do you always travel at such unusual hours of the night? I just hate crowds. You make a joke. Well... not a good one. Come with me. Take off your rucksack. Put it on here. Open it up. Take off your clothes. Huh? Go in there and take off your clothes. [Phone Ringing] [Ringing Continues] Uh, th-that's all I got, really, so can I get dressed now? Do you know that you are guilty of serious crime? What- ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Затерянные в космосе на английском - текст Каратель на английском - текст Экипаж на английском - текст Солярис на английском - текст Джуниор на английском |